

What are the ways to prevent and treat the various diseases?

Six medical disorders complicated by cold weather
What are the ways to prevent and treat the various diseases?

During the cold weather, the body's defenses against various infections remain reduced. Especially in the autumn and winter seasons, the body does not get enough sunlight, so the reserves of vitamin D, which help to strengthen the immune system, are being reduced as well. Therefore, most people become infected more quickly during the cold seasons compared to other seasons. The editorial board of the El.kz portal offers you ways to prevent and treat the various diseases complicated by cold weather.

What are the ways to prevent and treat the various diseases?


Flu is an infectious disease caused by influenza viruses. Although the flu is related to SARS, it should not be confused with a simple cold, as it can lead to the complications of pneumonia, heart and brain inflammation.

The basic symptoms of the flu include fever, general weakness, cough, headache, muscle and joint pain, as well as a runny nose, sore throat and other symptoms.

The best way to prevent the flu is to take the necessary medications every year. The related diseases help to reduce the risk of serious complications. It also helps to decrease the risk of influenza infection, even if you are infected. Even if you do not feel very bad and low, it is important to stop the possible spread of the illness. If you have the flu, you will be infected more in the first three to four days. This usually happens before you begin to exhibit the symptoms.

What are the ways to prevent and treat the various diseases?

Another common way to prevent the flu is to wash your face with cold water in the morning and evening, and soak your feet in warm water to increase the body's ability to fight with the disease in the evening. Regular rinsing of the mouth with salt water after a meal kills bacteria inside the mouth. In particular, during the winter and autumn seasons, the flu can be prevented by daily exercise, walking in the fresh air, and increasing the body's resistance to protect yourself from coldness. Besides that, it is necessary to open the window every morning for about 30 minutes and clean the air inside the room. Also, you should boil a small amount of fresh fodder and red sugar and drink it instead of tea in order to prevent the flu. Boiling vinegar and steaming it indoors kills germs every day. Therefore, you should not wear too many thick clothes in autumn. Thick clothing weakens the body's resistance to coldness. Every morning, you can spend 30 minutes doing the exercises in the fresh air to prevent the flu. After heating both palms facing each other and holding the middle of the palm warm, you can simply massage the back of the nasal fins 10 times with two fingers. Furthermore, vegetables and fruits such as tomatoes, carrots, and apples should be eaten regularly.

In most cases, when the flu causes a sore throat, cough, and sputum, you can mix black salt with water and burn 1-2 tablespoons at bedtime, then you may just dilate the respiratory tract and suppress the cough. After cooking the whole purified arsenic on the fire, shaving the outside and fermenting it in milk can apparently cure common colds and lung diseases. It would be beneficial to use it regularly.

Swelling of the pharynx, sore throat, constriction of the lungs, persistent cough, runny nose, tearing of the eyes are considered the basic symptoms of the disease.

In particular, if you continue to accept the necessary medications a few times per day, the flu will be definitely cured. If you cough up heavily after eating the fatty soups or eating the fatty meat, it is considered that you have problems in your lungs or have had a reaction to beets in your childhood, which means you should immediately refer to the doctor. In this case, you must always carry some figured armpits in your pocket. When you have a runny nose, put it in your mouth and suck it until it tastes harsh. If you continue this treatment for a while, the wind or cold in your lungs will gradually disappear, and when you eat fatty meat and drink soup, you will no longer have fat on your palate, your throat will not swell, and you will not cough or sneeze. When the body temperature rises to 39 or 40 °C from the flu, if you boil and drink the chestnut seeds (buds on the head of a chestnut), the body temperature will return to normal. For a cough from the flu, you can boil 1 glass of red vodka, mix it with 1 chicken egg, and eat it as the cheese. In addition, you can prepare 15 grams of garlic and raw the fruit, cut it into the leaves and boil it in 1 glass of water, add a sufficient amount of red sugar and drink it hot before going to bed or sleeping.

   Brain fever

Meningococcal infection develops in the winter and early spring seasons. This disease, often caused by the common cold, is caused by inflammation of the soft tissues of the brain and spinal cord. The infection is transmitted by air-droplets such as coughing, sneezing, and talking. Bacteria usually enter the nose, reach the spinal cord, enter the bloodstream and amplify the pathogens. Children under the age of five often suffer from this disease because of insufficient immune system development.

The basic symptoms of meningitis are severe headache, thirst and vomiting, fever, chills, pallor, loss of appetite, rash, weakness, back and limb pains. If you notice or experience any of these symptoms, make sure to consult the doctor. The disease can be easily transmitted like harmless diseases such as flu, typhoid fever, tonsillitis, and it is very dangerous.

To protect against this disease, you cannot go to public places, you need to try not to freeze, and you must dress up depending on the weather. Personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle must be respected as well.

What are the ways to prevent and treat the various diseases?


The main ways to prevent meningitis are:

  • Children born with tuberculosis sometimes might have tuberculous meningitis in the first months after birth. To prevent tuberculous meningitis in the newborn, the baby should be vaccinated from birth;
  • For children aged one year or younger, bottled or boiled water is recommended. Because water can contain many bacteria and viruses,
  • Children should not be immersed in stagnant water bodies, such as lakes, reservoirs, and other places. Bacteria must be present in these places.
  • The fruits and vegetables should be cleaned before being used and eaten. You need to cook meat and fish carefully.
  • Maintain personal hygiene. When you come from the street, after the toilet, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap;
  • Strengthen your immunity. Take vitamins and take a walk in the fresh air often.

   Ear infection

Ear inflammation can be caused by several factors, such as ear infections caused by dirty water, not completely cured infectious diseases, and long-term colds.

Otitis is divided into external, secondary, and internal types. If you have ear pain, purulent or mucous secretions, decreased hearing and ear congestion, redness, weakness, drowsiness, headache and dizziness, or tinnitus, you should see a doctor right away. Termination of home treatment can lead to chronic otitis and even total deafness.

The most common type of ear infection is inflammation of the middle ear. This is produced by the common cold, inflammation and swelling of middle ear cells. Complications like ear infections can develop in a short time and flow heavily.

Otitis is treated medically, physiotherapy and surgically. It is recommended to use the ear drops and antibiotics at the doctor's recommendation.

What are the ways to prevent and treat the various diseases?

To prevent otitis, the ears should be cleaned regularly, and the inner and outer layers must be washed too. During the coldest seasons, you need to keep your ears warm and wear a hat.

Ways to treat the disease:

  • Therapy for acute otitis. The patients with acute otitis media are offered bed rest, antibiotic therapy, prescribed antipyretics with hyperthermia, topical physiotherapy, and heat therapy. If the tympanic cavity is not independent in the first three days, the ear is dissected. If during the hearing loss, the ear is audible, then you should give a blow and take a pneumatic massage.
  • Therapy of chronic otitis The main task is to ensure adequate drainage of the thymic cavity. For this purpose, the polyps and granules are removed from the middle ear cavity. The burn is washed away. Proteolytic enzymes are introduced. The patient is prescribed sulfonamides and antibiotics, carries out immune correction and sanitary department of infection in the upper respiratory tract. If you suspect allergic otitis, you can use an antihistamine. Additionally, you can take the procedure of electrophoresis and get microwave therapy.
  • Prevention of otitis. The preventive measures include normalization of immune status, prevention of ARVI and other upper respiratory infections. Patients with chronic otitis media should protect their headphones from hypothermia and waterlogging.


Sinusitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the upper parts of the nasal cavity. People with this disease often get sick in the coldest seasons. People who dress easily and neglect their health are particularly vulnerable. As soon as you notice the first symptoms of sinusitis you should contact an otolaryngologist.

The symptoms of sinusitis are long-term nosebleeds and congestion, dizziness, pain in the forehead at the head inclination down, fever up to 38 degrees, weakness and rapid fatigue, abundant discharge of yellow-green fluid from the nose, and pain in the face area.

To prevent this disease, it is necessary to avoid colds, treat any symptoms of influenza as soon as possible, as well as lead a healthy lifestyle and strengthen the immune system constantly.

What are the ways to prevent and treat the various diseases?


Advices often recommended by doctors:

  • Elimination of the causes of sinusitis. In these cases, the doctors prescribe the medical supplies to prevent the disease. It can be antipruritic, antibacterial, anti-allergic, or antiseptic. If the infection in the cavity comes from a nearby source of inflammation, for example, a tooth that has fallen out, it should be treated immediately;
  • It is recommended to eliminate local inflammation and improve drainage of the cavity. Doctors also recommend rinsing the nasal cavity and using a device that can remove pus. For example, the treatment of sinusitis with honey and washing with sea or salt water is effective. If you take these procedures immediately in the early stages of the disease, you will recover quickly from sinusitis.
  • It is highly recommended to use the drops with plant extracts that have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, such as ingalipt, cameton, pinosol, and bioparox, that help to restore the mucous membrane;
  • The nasal cavity should be washed with a decoction and tincture of herbs such as thyme, acacia, bee glue, rosehip, chamomile, oak bark, and calendula. In addition, furazilin solution and the necessary medicaments such as chlorophyllipt, rotokan and decamethoxine must be used as well. It is recommended to implement these procedures at least four times per day.
  • It is advised to use a needle to pierce the nasal cavity and wash with antiseptic.
  • The area around the nose can be warmed with a dry or infrared candle, as well as a blue candle, a decoction of salt and a boiled egg. However, these procedures should not be implemented when there is still pus in the nasal cavity and the body temperature rises;
  • In most cases, sinusitis cannot be treated without these drugs. Only a doctor knows exactly which antibiotic to prescribe. They can prescribe treatment in the form of drugs and injections.
  • It is advised to take general treatment. You need to drink more drinks that contain vitamins. It is also recommended to take a decoction of herbs with an antibacterial effect, such as mint, red licorice root, or use a mucolytic. If your body temperature is normal, you can try an anxiety treatment like a hot bath;


Bronchitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchi. It is often caused by coughing infections, but bronchitis can also be chronic. This usually occurs when the tissues inside the airways become inflamed. These tubes are called bronchial tubes. The most common cause of bronchitis is the common cold or flu. The main symptom of bronchitis is a prolonged cough lasting up to several weeks.

In most cases, the bronchitis passes by itself, but it takes several weeks. Bronchitis cannot be treated with antibiotics because antibiotics only kill bacteria, and bronchitis is often caused by viruses.

Therefore, this disease is caused by inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. It is caused by microbes and viruses. Microorganisms such as "Pneumococcus" and "Streptococcus" are present in the sputum of an infected person, and when a patient sneezes or coughs, they pass through the airways into a healthy person and develop. There are two types of this disease. The first is acute, and the second one is chronic.

What are the ways to prevent and treat the various diseases?

In the acute form of bronchitis, a person quickly freezes, often sighs, and has a headache, hoarseness, wheezing, often dry, and then a cough with a small amount of sputum. There is also a pain in the chest and intestines due to the frequent and persistent cough. This weakens the body. Untreated bronchitis can lead to pneumonia. This can make the situation even worse.

Ways to treat the disease:

  • First, it is necessary to clean the air in the patient's room. According to the advice of a doctor, it is useful to take antibiotics and medicines that moisten the sputum and improve the functioning of the heart and circulatory system. All of this should be prescribed only by a doctor. Self-medication can lead to other illnesses. When a sick person is sweating, it is better to protect the thief from the wind. To prevent the air in the room from becoming too dry, place a container of water in a warm place or place a damp cloth on the surface of the heating pipes. This allows you to keep the humidity. The patient should consume plenty of vitamin C and protein-rich foods, and sweet foods should not be eaten at all. This is because it further reddens and irritates the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. This can make the cough worse.
  • Onions are very useful in getting rid of bronchitis. To make this, prepare five onions, seven tablespoons of honey, and one lemon, finely chopped or grate, add honey, and make a tincture. It is recommended to take the tincture with a tablespoon 2 times a day. Another advantage of onions is that they are peeled and boiled in a full glass of milk for 3–4 minutes. The onions soften and the flavor is absorbed by the milk. Taking an onion and cutting it in half is good for the patient. And, it is better to drink a tablespoon of milk every 2-3 hours. Lemon juice is extracted and mixed with the prepared mixture. When the infusion is ready, drink 2-3 teaspoons 3–4 times per day and continue to take it for 10–14 days. One of the best remedies for bronchitis is using radish. To make this, grate the radish, filter it through gauze, and extract the juice. Add one tablespoon of liquid honey and mix. Take two tablespoons daily before meals and in the evening.


Cystitis, or bladder inflammation, is caused by bladder infection. The development of the disease can be caused by severe frostbite that irritates the mucous membranes of the bladder.

Cold-related diseases can have a side effect on the development of cystitis, as the body weakens and the immune system weakens too. Then, it is difficult to struggle with infection. Therefore, it is important to wear warm clothes, not swim in cold water, and not sit in a cold place. If you are ill, it is better to take a warm bath, drink plenty of warm water, and go to the toilet more often. Thus, the body is easily able to fight infections. In addition, you should take a general urine test and consult the nephrologist for the necessary treatment.

If your urine is red, if there is pain on both sides of your back or abdomen, or if there are related symptoms such as fever and nausea or vomiting, you must immediately seek medical attention. 

What are the ways to prevent and treat the various diseases?

In acute cases, it is necessary to take the full course of treatment recommended by a doctor, otherwise the disease will become chronic. To prevent cystitis, it is necessary to wash the genitals regularly, keep the person clean, and treat inflammatory diseases in a timely manner. Treatment of cystitis at home must be carried out under the supervision of a physician, but also take into account the following tips used in ancient folk medicine.

Useful ways to prevent the disease:

  • When the patient has a fever, he should be put under the bed, his legs should be swollen (32–35 °C), and the lower abdomen should be pressed with hot bran or boiled grains and mashed potatoes. Also, you can use dairy products.
  • It is recommended to drink more fluids during the warm weather. You need to avoid sweets and alcohol. It is useful to drink half a teaspoon of baking soda in water every day.
  • In the case of constipation, do not give a strong laxative such as castor oil, in which case it is necessary to carry out diarrhea by feeding simple methods, such as prunes, raw milk, carrot juice, and
  • The following diet has previously been used to treat acute cystitis. You can divide a red brick in half, heat both parts carefully, and put them in an empty bucket. Cover the surface of the bucket with a thick cloth and sit on it until the heat of the bricks subsides. Then you can dress up warmly and cover yourself with a blanket. After using these treatments 2 or 3 times, cystitis will be obviously cured. These folk remedies are very efficient, especially for women.

In conclusion, the most important rule in the prevention of these diseases is the observance of personal hygiene. All products should be thoroughly washed before cooking. Make sure to wash your hands before eating, after visiting lavatory. 

(The pictures were derived from the open sources)

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