

APK Almaty Supported 'Men Qazaqpyn’ Challenge

APK Almaty Supported 'Men Qazaqpyn’ Challenge
18.12.2019 10:54 1790

The purpose of the challenge is patriotic education of young people, a call to friendship and unity of the people of Kazakhstan.

Almaty citizens - members of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, employees of the city mayor’s office and service of firefighting and rescue works, representatives of the Council of veterans, non-governmental organizations, honored workers of the republic - supported the patriotic Challenge ‘Men Qazakpyn’, which was launched in honor of the Independence Day.

As part of the challenge, those who gathered on 16 December in the square of the Republic sang the song ‘Men Qazaqpyn’.

APK Almaty Supported 'Men Qazaqpyn’ Challenge

The purpose of the challenge was to give broad coverage to the song ‘Men Qazaqpyn’ in honour of Independence Day, to raise the patriotic awareness of the young generation and to encourage friendship and unity among the people of Kazakhstan.

‘Men Qazakpyn’ Challenge was launched by Pavlodar schoolchildren on the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Later, the challenge was supported by the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.


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