

Bird of Year 2025 named in Kazakhstan

Bird of Year 2025 named in Kazakhstan
Фото: El.kz/Marina Ruzmatova /ChatGPT 16.01.2025 13:32 933

The "Bird of the Year 2025" in Kazakhstan is the Egyptian Vulture. Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity of Kazakhstan and the Kazakhstan Bird Conservation Union conduct the annual "Bird of the Year" awareness campaign to draw attention to bird conservation, El.kz cites acbk.kz.

Ornithologists nominate candidates, and ACBK members vote to determine the winner. The Egyptian Vulture received 60% of the votes. 

The Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus) is a rare bird of prey and the smallest among scavengers. Like all scavengers, this species plays a crucial role in maintaining ecosystem health by removing carcasses and preventing the spread of diseases. In addition to carrion, the Egyptian Vulture feeds on small mammals and reptiles. Its habitat in Kazakhstan includes foothills and treeless mountains in the southern part of the country. On average, approximately 502 pairs of Egyptian Vultures nest in Kazakhstan. This species is migratory, traveling along the Afro-Eurasian and Central Asian flyways.

Threats to the species: habitat loss, poisoning from toxic baits and pesticides, illegal capture and trade, electrocution on power lines, and collisions with wind turbine blades.

Similar campaigns are held in various countries worldwide. In Kazakhstan, the Bird of the Year has been selected for the 20th time. Past winners include Sociable Lapwing, Barn Swallow, Cranes, Black Lark, Common Starling, Great Tit, Steppe Eagle, Lesser White-fronted Goose, White-headed Duck, Ibisbill, House Sparrow, Eurasian Eagle-Owl, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Great Bustard, Saker Falcon, Pelicans, Nightingale, Blue whistling thrush, and Scops Owl.  

As part of the campaign, educational activities, competitions, and awareness-raising events are conducted.

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