Baiterek placed debut ESG bonds to finance farmers

National Management Holding Baiterek JSC placed debut social bonds on the KASE platform for a total of 100 billion tenge, reports .
These funds will be used to finance spring field and harvesting works through the Agrarian Credit Corporation within the framework of “Ken Dala” program. This ESG bond issue is consistent with the principles of sustainable development and includes preferential lending to farmers for the implementation of agrotechnical measures in order to obtain social and environmentally significant results.
A feature of the issue is that preferential loans are provided in advance, which allows farmers to carry out the necessary work on time, without postponing them to a late date. Earlier, 280 billion tenge was allocated for similar needs.
"Social" bonds are designed to solve social problems and promote positive changes in the social sphere. As part of this debut issue, the holding approved the Sustainable Development Program and received a positive opinion (Second Party Opinion) from the AIFC Green Finance Centre.