

Kazakhstan and EU to hold economic forum

Kazakhstan and EU to hold economic forum
Фото: MFA 09.03.2023 10:06 556

Brussels, 6–7 March, 2023 – Kazakhstan’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Kazakhstan Roman Vassilenko held a series of meetings in Brussels with senior representatives of the European Union institutions to “synchronize watches” on relevant issues of bilateral cooperation and the international agenda, El.kz cites MFA.

During his meetings with the Head of the Cabinet of the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Camilo Villarino, Deputy Managing Director of the European External Action Service Luc Devigne and Senior Foreign Policy Advisor to the European Council President Magdalena Grono, they discussed the implementation of the agreements following the visit of European Council President Charles Michel to Astana and the talks held by Kazakhstan’s President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in autumn 2022.

In the context of this year’s commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and the EU, Vassilenko emphasized the active development of the political dialogue at the highest level, economic, trade and investment cooperation, and constructive engagement on human rights issues as factors determining the valuable nature of our collaboration.

Discussions focused on further steps towards effective and full implementation of the Enhanced Partnership and Co-operation Agreement (EPCA) between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the European Union, which covers 29 specific areas of interaction, and preparations for forthcoming events both in bilateral and multilateral formats. In particular, the meetings focused on the holding of the 20th anniversary meeting of the Kazakhstan – EU Cooperation Council, the Kazakhstan – EU Cooperation Committees in political and trade configurations as well as the second Central Asia – European Union Economic Forum.

The Kazakh diplomat briefed his counterparts on the progress in implementing President Tokayev’s wide-ranging political and socio-economic reforms aimed at building a “Just and Fair Kazakhstan.” Special attention was paid to the preparation of the country for early election to the Mazhilis and the Maslikhats scheduled for 19 March 2023.

A thorough exchange of views took place on relevant issues on the international agenda, including the conflict in Ukraine, as well as the need to limit the possible negative consequences for the Kazakh economy of the exchange of sanctions caused by it.

The European side noted dynamic bilateral and multilateral agendas and expressed its interest in further strengthening cooperation with Kazakhstan and implementing the EPCA provisions. According to Villarino, efficient cooperation between the EU and Kazakhstan has recently been increasing in relevance.

The interlocutors agreed on the importance of maintaining the positive momentum of the political dialogue in order to further consolidate cooperation while facing the ongoing global turbulence.

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