

UN Human Rights Council unanimously adopted a resolution initiated by Kazakhstan on the rights of child in field of education

UN Human Rights Council unanimously adopted a resolution initiated by Kazakhstan on the rights of child in field of education
Фото: MFA 12.10.2023 15:01 1144

During its current membership in the UN Human Rights Council, Kazakhstan, on behalf of the Central Asian countries, presented its first initiative – the Council’s resolution entitled "Ensuring quality education for peace and tolerance for every child", El.kz cites MFA.

The resolution is aimed at promoting the ideas of peace and tolerance, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms through the education for children and ensuring their safety in learning environment. The document also recognizes the obligations of States to implement the fundamental principles of non-discrimination and safe access of children to education, including in the context of armed conflict.

Based on the country’s positive experience in the repatriation and reintegration of children from conflict zones, one of the key elements in the adopted document was a call to all UN Member States to ensure measures for the recovery and reintegration of children affected by armed conflict and terrorism, in particular through education.

Kazakhstan presented the draft resolution as the first regional initiative, joining the efforts of all five fraternal countries of Central Asia, thereby putting our region on the map of the main UN human rights platform.

Despite diverse positions of the United Nations Member States on human rights issues, the presented HRC document received broad support in the form of co-sponsorship by more than 70 states, including the USA, China, the European Union, Latin American, Asian and African countries. The resolution was adopted by a unanimous decision of the Human Rights Council.

The issues of protecting the rights of children are central to the policy of our country. As part of the ongoing socio-economic reforms, the Head of State outlined the need to strengthen social support, introduce legislative amendments that toughen the responsibility for the safety of children, as well as invest in education in order to ensure the principle of equal opportunities for every citizen of our country. The adoption of the UN HRC resolution will contribute to further implementation of these objectives.

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