

Trade turnover between Kazakhstan and third countries amounted to $ 96.6 billion

Trade turnover between Kazakhstan and third countries amounted to $ 96.6 billion
Фото: 1istochnik.ru 06.01.2023 10:18 600

The trade turnover between Kazakhstan and third countries in January-November 2022 amounted to $ 96.6 billion, which is 42.7% higher than in the same period of 2021 ($ 67.7 billion), El.kz reports with reference to QazTrade.net 

Exports from Kazakhstan to third countries for the specified period increased by 45.4% and amounted to $ 69.0 billion.

The main export goods from Kazakhstan to third countries showed the following growth dynamics: crude oil - an increase of 56.5%, ferroalloys - an increase of 42.7%, copper ores and concentrates - an increase of 46.3%, petroleum products - an increase of 70.5%, wheat - an increase of 40%.

“According to QazTrade calculations, the increase in Kazakhstan's exports to third countries by the end of 2022 is projected at $ 74.8 billion, export growth is expected to be at the level of 42.5%. At the same time, the 90% confidence interval for the export forecast is in the range of $ 74.2 and $ 75.5 billion," the report said.

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