

Rational use of water, modernization of infrastructure and introduction of digital ledger systems: the issue of water supply considered in Government

Rational use of water, modernization of infrastructure and introduction of digital ledger systems: the issue of water supply considered in Government
Фото: primeminister.kz 04.07.2023 14:02 2079

The progress of the growing season and the issue of efficient use of water resources were considered at a government session chaired by Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov, El.kz cites primeminister.kz.

As the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Zulfiya Suleimenova reported, a special action plan was approved for the stable passage of the growing season of the current year. Within its  framework, work is being carried out with neighboring countries to provide farmers with irrigation water due to the additional discharges from upstream reservoirs. Along with this, repair and restoration work on hydraulic structures, cleaning of main and inter-farm canals of the irrigation network, as well as the implementation of water-saving technologies are provided .

According to the minister , special attention is paid to water supply of Zhambyl, Kyzylorda and Turkestan regions. The situation is under control of the Ministry of Ecology to take the necessary measures to mitigate the effects of low water.

According to the Minister of Agriculture Yerbol Karashukeyev, this year spring field work was successfully carried out in all the regions in the optimal time. At the same time, work continues on the development of irrigated agriculture, which is of particular relevance in the context of the ongoing cycle of low water and global climate change.

So, this year 1.58 million hectares of irrigated land are being cultivated, which will require about 11.4 billion m3 of water. At the same time, systematic work is underway to diversify the areas of water-intensive and monocultures. In particular, this year, due to the transition to other highly profitable crops, the area of cotton was reduced by 14.8 thousand hectares.

For the implementation of water-saving technologies, the state, within the framework of investment subsidies, compensates  50% of the costs incurred by farmers for their purchase, as well as the provision of the main infrastructure for the collection and supplying of water.

Akims of Zhambyl region Nurzhan Nurzhigitov, Turkestan region — Darkhan Satybaldy, Kyzylorda region — Nurlybek Nalibayev reported on measures for water supply to farmers in the regions.

The Prime Minister stressed that the effective passage of the growing season is the basis of yield and food security. At the same time, the largest amount of irrigated land is located in the southern regions of the republic.

"The issue of providing them with irrigation water has always been very acute. The Aral-Syrdarya and Shu-Talas basins are the most dependent on the flow of water from neighboring countries," Alikhan Smailov said.

According to scientific forecasts, the volume of this runoff will continue to decline: in the future, by 2040, the shortage of water resources will be about 15 cubic kilometers per year.

"In this regard, within the framework of interstate cooperation, it is necessary to strengthen work with our partners on the issue of compliance with obligations in accordance with international treaties," the Prime Minister said.

At the same time, the head of government pointed out that one of the main problems in water supply is internal shortcomings - both in infrastructure and in the organization of work. And here, first of all, it is necessary to establish the efficient use of available water resources.

According to him, about 65% of water consumption in the republic falls on agriculture. However, due to the unsatisfactory condition of irrigation canals, losses during the transportation of water to the fields are about half.

"This is a very big loss. For example, everyone knows the poor technical condition of the K-30 inter-farm canal in the Turkestan region. But its reconstruction has not been completed for more than 12 years. The situation is similar with the Left Bank Main Canal, on which a large number of farmers in the Kyzylorda region depend. And there are a lot of such examples in the southern regions of the country," Alikhan Smailov said.

He stressed that, ideally, losses should not exceed 10-15% in hot summers, and for this it is necessary to bring all irrigation canals and reservoirs into proper condition. At the same time, the processes at these facilities must be automated and digitalized.

As the head of government noted, it is important to take a very rational approach to the distribution of irrigation water. To do this, in particular, it is necessary to intensify work on the diversification of crops.

He also drew attention to the current level of tariffs for irrigation water.

"The Head of State noted that the existing tariffs do not stimulate a more careful attitude to water. In this connection, it is necessary to revise the tariff policy in this area, and most importantly, people's approaches to water consumption," the Prime Minister emphasized.

As part of the further development of the industry, Alikhan Smailov instructed to develop a clear position on water diplomacy and ensure its promotion at intergovernmental commissions, taking into account the interests of the republic, as well as continue work on the construction and reconstruction of water facilities, the introduction of digital water metering systems.

At the same time, the Prime Minister noted the need to ensure the adoption of the rules for the differentiation of subsidies for water supply depending on irrigation methods as soon as possible.

"That is, subsidies at the same level will be received only by those farmers who use water-saving technologies. It is necessary to intensify work to improve the efficiency of water resources use by farmers, including the implementation of water-saving technologies, modern drip irrigation systems and the use of sprinklers," Alikhan Smailov emphasized.

In conclusion, Kazakh PM instructed to organize alternate watering of crops and the reuse of return water, as this will reduce the one-time load on the flow of water from the canals and increase the efficiency of consumption.

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