Merino wool stylish clothes are produced in Shymkent
A small entrepreneurship «Өнер.kz»(«») produces merino wool stylish clothes in the industrial area Shymkent. We can say that the patterns of clothes, accessories, jewelery made of felt are renaissance of forgotten old.
The production of a small entrepreneurship «Өнер.kz»(«») was introduced at II regional business forum of business women. Approximately 300 businessmen and businesswomen were invited by Businessmen Union Chamber.
As usual, the women did not come empty-handed to the final meeting of the year. The majority of craftsmen exposed the fruit of their work. One of them is the production of a small entrepreneurship «Өнер.kz»(«») launched in the industrial area Shymkent. An entrepreneur Galiya Issabekova took up the production of merino wool head-dress, shirts, camisoles,footwear and accessories.
“Felt is not harmful for people's healthbeing a natural product. Felt was decorated with natural paints in order to look beautiful. Felt is the brand of Kazakh nation. Nowadays it is used as a designer item due to modern technology” said G. Issabekova.
They started to improve the bunch of cotton, one of the productions of agricultural mastership. It was found by the chairman of the union who gathered 120 craftsmen that women need help in making decisions of five different problems in order to contribute the flourishing of economics.
“There are 175 thousand small and medium-sized working enterprise objects in South Kazakhstan now, -said the akim of the region Zhanseyіt Kanseyіtuly. The weaker sex is in charge of more than 30 per cent of them. This figure shows that women are active in entrepreneurship nowadays.”
It has to be said that 18 female entrepreneurs got 39,5 million tenge scholarship at the end of “The map of business route – 2020” program. This figure is twice as much in comparison to previous years. This year 386 female entrepreneurs were granted a loan of 1 billion 23 million by the regional investment center “Ontustik”. The branch of assistance center for entrepreneurs «Ontustik» works in all districts and cities. Young entrepreneurs can not only enhance their knowledge, but also learn new ways of running business. 40 per cent of these learners are women. The women shared there forthcoming plans during their conversation with the akim of the region. At the end of the meeting the head entrepreneur congratulated women on coming New Year and presented the prizes in accordance with nominations.