

Kazakhstan announces new economic model in response to global challenges - Tokayev

Kazakhstan announces new economic model in response to global challenges - Tokayev
Фото: Akorda 01.09.2023 11:53 2451

In light of fundamental changes in the global economy and the growing technological race, Kazakhstan is planning a powerful economic breakthrough. The Head of State said that the main attention will be paid to the real improvement of the lives of citizens, and not to abstract achievements, El.kz reports with reference to Akorda.

The key principles of the new economic strategy will be equity, inclusiveness and pragmatism. This paradigm will be based on the effective use of all the competitive advantages of the country, as well as on the maximum disclosure of the potential of labor, capital, resources and technologies.

"In such an important period, we have every opportunity for a powerful economic breakthrough. To do this, we must step by step, but firmly and decisively, move to a new economic model, which is led not by abstract achievements, but by a real improvement in the lives of citizens.

The defining principles of the country's new economic course will be fairness, inclusiveness, and pragmatism."

As part of the new economic policy, the country will change its approach to setting long-term goals. Instead, all the main tasks described in the Address are planned to be solved within three years. For more complex tasks, separate specific deadlines will be set.


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