

Kazakh PM presents awards to Digital Bridge Awards winners

Kazakh PM presents awards to Digital Bridge Awards winners
Фото: primeminister.kz 12.10.2023 17:53 1555

Digital Bridge 2023, the largest international technology forum in Central Asia, kicked off in Astana with the participation of heads of government agencies, national companies, businessmen and representatives of startups from Kazakhstan, as well as from near and far abroad.

The event includes panel sessions, round tables, bilateral meetings, thematic exhibitions, Digital Bridge Awards, a job fair and other events.

On the eve of the plenary session, the Head of State Kasym-Jomart Tokayev and Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov familiarized themselves with the exhibition stands of the forum participants. In particular, the distinguished guests were presented innovative projects in the fields of robotics, social technologies, creative economy, artificial intelligence, finance, public administration and others.

After the main plenary session of the forum with the participation of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the awarding of the winners of Digital Bridge Awards took place. The prize is awarded to the best IT-companies of Central Eurasia for achievements in the development of information and communication technologies based on the results of online voting by the jury members.

The list of winners of Digital Bridge Awards 2023 by nominations:

– Export Excellence (successful implementation of development strategies focused on the export of IT services) – Alexei Aksenov, Director of software development company and complex digital platforms EPAM Kazakhstan;

Tech for Good (technologies for solving environmental, social and economic problems) – Assem Tazhiyeva, founder of social startup Ozim Platform, which is a mobile application with useful information for parents of young children, including those with special needs;

– Tech Educational Leader (programming schools that apply innovative, bold and creative initiatives in teaching) – Danabek Kaliazhdarov, Head of Alem School;

– Tech Media of the Year (achievements in technology journalism) – Tagay Tazabekov, director of Limon.KG, the first youth Internet publication in Kyrgyzstan;

– Employer of Choice (companies that create a stimulating working environment for professional and personal growth of employees) Dmitry Botanov, CEO of IT-company in the field of sales of services, real estate and cars Kolesa Group;

VC of the Year (venture capitalists who have made a significant contribution to the development of the innovation ecosystem) – Adil Nurgozhin, Managing Partner of Big Sky Capital venture fund;

AI Startup of the Year (achievements in the field of artificial intelligence) – Azizjon Azimi, founder of the Zypl.ai center, where young people of Tajikistan can take specialized courses in the field of IT and AI to work in financial and telecommunications companies.

The Prime Minister of Kazakhstan presented awards to the winners and wished them success in their future endeavors.

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