

Fulfilling Head of State Addresses: Scheduled business inspections to be reduced by 2 times

Fulfilling Head of State Addresses: Scheduled business inspections to be reduced by 2 times
Фото: primeminister.kz 01.09.2023 09:00 2455

On the work on the development of entrepreneurship and reducing the share of state participation in the economy in the framework of implementation of the messages of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan told the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov took part in an expanded meeting of the faction of AMANAT party, El.kz cites primeminister.kz.

Head of the Government noted that since 2020 there is a moratorium on inspections of small and microbusinesses in the republic, which is extended until 2024.

"The share of SMEs in the economy has increased compared to 2019 from 31.7% to 36.5%. The number of operating SMEs has increased by 27% over the last year alone and exceeded 1.8 million. The total number of people employed in the sector increased by 18% over the year and reached 4.1 million people. Positive results are associated with the effectiveness of interaction between the business community and the authorities," Alikhan Smailov said.

According to Prime Minister, the principle of "regulation from scratch" has been successfully tested. 128 thousand requirements in 44 spheres have been analyzed, of which more than 10 thousand requirements that do not meet the conditions of the new regulatory policy have been identified. Of these, 9 thousand have already been excluded at the subordinate legislation level.

Automation of risk management systems in the spheres of state control and supervision is also being carried out with their full operation starting from January 1, 2024. This automated approach will make it possible to schedule inspections without human involvement. As a result, scheduled inspections of business will be reduced by 2 times.

At the same time, Alikhan Smailov emphasized that privatization is one of the key areas to limit the role of the state in the economy. Since 2019, about 1 thousand organizations with state participation have been privatized.

"Packages of shares of national companies Kazmunaigas and Kazatomprom were successfully brought to IPO and SPO." Work in this direction continues. As a result of these measures in 2023, the share of the state in the economy has been reduced to about 14%," he said.

Prime Minister also added that another initiative to strengthen the social responsibility of the quasi-public sector has been implemented. Since this year, an annual transfer of 7% of the net income of the Samruk-Kazyna Fund to the Kazakstan Khalkyna public fund is carried out.

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