

Dialogue with civil society held in Geneva

Dialogue with civil society held in Geneva
Фото: MFA 08.11.2022 16:13 470

Permanent Representative of Kazakhstan to the United Nations Office and other international organizations Yerlan Alimbayev met with representatives of Geneva-based NGOs to discuss latest political developments in Kazakhstan, including recently adopted laws, reforms in the areas of protection of human rights, socio-economic development and upcoming presidential elections, El.kz cites MFA.


Kazakh diplomat made an overview of several important laws, such as the laws on the Constitutional Court, Prosecutor’s Office, Commissioner for Human Rights, on Amnesty for participants of the January events, as well as legislation adopted following the results of the national referendum aimed at further democratization and strengthening the system of checks and balances.

Alimbayev emphasized that the upcoming presidential elections will lay a new political tradition in Kazakhstan, and that the state is determined to ensure all conditions for holding an open and fair elections.

The information was met with interest and followed by engaging discussion. Kazakhstan’s determination for liberalization and democratization processes were received positively. Timeliness of reforms and country’s exemplary role in the region were also noted.

The participants welcomed the Kazakhstan’s openness to engage with civil society and expressed readiness to maintain honest and constructive dialogue.

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