National Academic Library hosted an extended meeting of Scientific and Expert Council of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan under the chairmanship of Deputy Chairman of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan - Head of APK’s Secretariat of Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhanseit Tuimebayev.
In the course of the meeting, the tasks of the Scientific-Expert community, following the instructions of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, were discussed.
According to Zhanseit Tuimebayev, the scientific and expert community should deeply comprehend the processes in the society, i.e. identify new trends, challenges and threats, as well as develop practical recommendations in real time.
"Scientists and experts should work in the social and political field. There is a need for clear and understandable explanatory work not only on the pages of the official press, but also in social networks," Deputy head of APK said.
In his speech, Zhanseit Tuimebayev emphasized that all opportunities have been created for the Scientific and Expert Community to work effectively.
"In January 2019, Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University Zhanseit Tuimebayev introduced the discipline "Kazakhstan model of interethnic consent of N.A. Nazarbayev" for first-year students. The interdisciplinary department at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University works in an integrated manner. Two centres have been opened: Centre for the Study of Interethnic and Interfaith Relations in the Central Asian Region of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the Centre for Research on Social and Demographic Development of the Institute for Economic Research of the Ministry of National Economy. This is a huge potential" speaker says.
Zhanseit Tuimebayev informed that the Consolidated Plan of scientific works in social-demographic and interethnic spheres for 2018-2020, which includes 72 projects, is currently being implemented.
"We have everything we need to scientifically deploy information work to strengthen tolerance and counteract "hate speech".
We have to show evidently and objectively, with figures and facts in our hands, the strength of the foundation of unity and harmony, to reveal complex ethno-social processes in Kazakhstani society, to show the interdependence of social harmony and economic well-being of citizens, to motivate conscious participation of citizens in the implementation of the policy of peace and accord.
Our policy of peace and unity, formed by the First President of Kazakhstan Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev, is based on deep scientific foundations. Its continuation is a key priority of the state course of the country, the key to its development," Head of APK’s Secretariat said.
Summing up, Zhanseit Tuimebayev gave a number of instructions to the Scientific and Expert Council of the NES, including making practical recommendations on the development of the Assembly's policy, effective promotion of the values of unity and harmony on the Internet, social networks, development of applied methodological developments and holding seminars on topical issues of public policy of peace and accord.
Dana Tugambekova
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