

Working by template not to work — Kazakh PM on implementation of new Youth Policy Concept

Working by template not to work — Kazakh PM on implementation of new Youth Policy Concept
Фото: primeminister.kz 14.03.2023 11:42 446

The main priorities in the framework of implementation of the State Youth Policy Concept for 2023-2029 were outlined by Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov at the Government session.

Minister of Information and Social Development Darkhan Kydyrali reported that one of the key directions of the Concept is professional development of rural youth, in particular, realization of their potential through entrepreneurship and acquiring working qualification. Within this framework, it is planned to employ about one million people by 2029, and provide digital literacy courses and social services to young people in the villages.

At the same time, work will continue with unsettled youth (NEETs) in cities. Thus, monitoring of their social status and well-being will be carried out on a permanent basis. It is planned to involve this category of young people in productive employment by expanding access to higher education, vocational guidance, financial support for business initiatives and other measures.

In addition, the process of increasing the share of young people in representative bodies of power and public service will be continued, as well as their involvement in volunteer, charitable and environmental initiatives. In parallel, it is planned to implement measures in the field of patriotic education, promotion of healthy lifestyles, development of creative clusters in Astana, Almaty and Shymkent, improvement of family support centers, digitalization of public services for youth, etc.

In his speech, Prime Minister noted that one of the main priorities of state policy is to support young people of Kazakhstan. In this regard, the adoption of the Concept should give a new impetus to the development of this direction.

"First of all, it is necessary to take a systematic approach to youth employment. The Concept plans to cover 2.3 million young people with employment. It is a very important aspect which should be implemented as efficiently as possible," Alikhan Smailov said.

He stressed that the state allocates substantial resources for the implementation of projects and programs for youth, so expanding their coverage will help reduce the number of unemployed and out-of-work young people category NEET.

According to the head of the Government, the proportion of such young people in the country today is more than 6%. The highest rates of NEETs are observed in the Ulytau (12.6%), East Kazakhstan (10.8%) and Karaganda (9.2%) regions.

"The Concept sets a task to reduce the share of such young people in the republic to 3.5%, but it will not be possible to work "according to a template" for this. It is necessary to be as flexible as possible with the specifics of working with youth in each region. Moreover, we should constantly work to improve measures to support young people," the Prime Minister said.

Alikhan Smailov pointed out that the Ministry of Information and Social Development in cooperation with the regional akimats should strengthen information work and "literally reach every young person, especially in the villages and categories of NEET.

"Everyone should see his chance for success, find a job, improve their professional skills," he stressed.

In addition, Prime Minister spoke about the need to ensure clear coordination of activities of youth resource centers and assign specific tasks and KPIs to their managers. According to him, the centers should be one of the most important links in working with young people - on the ground to offer solutions to the problems.

In conclusion, the Head of Government noted the importance of further support for the volunteer movement, including through the expansion of areas of volunteer involvement, launching new projects and activities.

"Particular attention should be paid to moral and patriotic education of young people, the promotion of sports and healthy lifestyles," he said.

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