

Tokayev meets with newly appointed Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Turkmenistan

Tokayev meets  with newly appointed Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Turkmenistan
Фото: Akorda 10.07.2024 11:26 618

The Head of State received the newly appointed Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Turkmenistan Nurlan Nogayev, El.kz reports citing Akorda.

During the meeting, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev stressed the importance of further strengthening the ties of friendship, good neighborliness and strategic partnership with fraternal Turkmenistan.

The President set a number of tasks for Nurlan Nogayev to develop bilateral cooperation, including in such areas as energy, transit and transport, trade and cultural and humanitarian cooperation.

The Head of State instructed to pay special attention to the issues of high-quality content of the upcoming talks at the highest level.

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