

Production of chocolate and sugar products increased by 74% in Kazakhstan

Production of chocolate and sugar products increased by 74% in Kazakhstan
Фото: pixabay.com 28.02.2023 18:03 425

The production of chocolate and confectionery products from sugar in January of this year reached 8.1 thousand tons, which is higher by 74.2% than in January 2022, El.kz reports with reference to the Energyprom.kz.

Interesting fact: 95% of chocolate and confectionery products from sugar are produced in three regions of Kazakhstan (according to the results of 12 months of 2022): Almaty (44.8 thousand tons), Kostanay (32.2 thousand tons) and Almaty (14.9 thousand tons) regions. A significant volume of output was also noted in Shymkent: 2.4 thousand tons. The remaining regions collectively accounted for only 2.6 thousand tons of products in the sector.

As for prices, by the end of January 2023, chocolate went up by 0.9% per month (a year earlier the figure was 0.3%). In annual dynamics, compared with January 2022, chocolate has risen in price immediately by 24.5%.

It is worth noting that prices for confectionery products as a whole increased by 31.3% for the year.

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