

Phone code in Kazakhstan and Russia to be +7

Phone code in Kazakhstan and Russia to be +7
Фото: El.kz / Artem Churssinov 17.06.2024 12:40 613

According to the press service of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations, and Aerospace Industry, an agreement on the joint use of the 7th zone is still in force between the communications departments of the two countries,  El.kz reports.

In 2021, the international code +997 was reserved for Kazakhstan. However, in the course of working with telecom operators of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the issue of switching to the new code, it was noted that changing the global numbering would entail a number of financial and technological problems. Also, during the transition period, there is a high probability of failures and negative experiences.

With this in mind, Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations, and Aerospace Industry has prepared a government decree "On the signing of the Agreement between the governments of Kazakhstan and Russia on the continuation of the use of the digital code +7 by the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Now Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations, and Aerospace Industry is waiting for the consent of the Russian side.

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