

Pensions, benefits, proactive provision of social support: New Social Code enters into force on July 1 in Kazakhstan

Pensions, benefits, proactive provision of social support: New Social Code enters into force on July 1 in Kazakhstan
Фото: primeminister.kz 27.06.2023 14:08 655

The issues of implementation of norms of the new Social Code coming into effect since July 1 of this year were considered at the Government session chaired by Alikhan Smailov, Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Population Tamara Duisenova noted that now the issues of social support in the republic will be regulated by one document the Social Code. It's going to come into force on July 1, and some of its norms have already been in force since the beginning of the year.

In particular, the document covers the issues of social support from birth to adulthood, employment, labor safety, social insurance, assistance in difficult life situations, support for the elderly, etc.


For example, in order to strengthen the social protection of motherhood and childhood a number of additional measures were provided. Thus, since the beginning of the year the period of payment for child care up to 1.5 years old was increased. To date, more than 450 thousand families have received such assistance. Starting from July 1, benefits will also increase for mothers with many children, awarded the pendant "Altyn Alqa", the Order of "Maternal Glory" of I and II degree, who have the title of "Heroine Mother". This measure will affect about 90,000 women.

In addition, the Code pays great attention to persons with disabilities. In particular, the amount of benefits paid to the disabled, their guardians and families who lost the breadwinner will increase by 14.5%. Taking into account the 8.5% increase in the amount of benefits at the beginning of the year, the amount of payments as a whole will increase by 23%.

On the whole, these and many other norms of the new Social Code are aimed at improving the well-being of citizens and preventing social risks.

Vasily Shimansky, chairman of the public association "Center for Rehabilitation of Disabled People "Chance" also spoke at the meeting.

The akim of West Kazakhstan region Nariman Turegaliyev and the deputy akim of Turkestan region Yermek Kenzhekhanuly reported on the work to update the data on needy citizens and to provide targeted social assistance in proactive format in the regions.

As Prime Minister noted the measures proposed in the new Code would reload the social protection system in accordance with international standards.

"Now all legislation in the sphere of social protection and pensions is systematized and improved. The Social Code retains the basic norms of the 10 laws that are no longer in force. At the same time a number of new provisions have been introduced. All of them are aimed at improving the quality of life of the population," Alikhan Smailov said.

According to him, one of the significant novelties of the Code is a gradual increase in pensions. So, from January 1 of this year until 2027 the size of the basic pension will increase to 51% on average. This will affect more than 2 million pensioners. In general, the measures taken will allow to increase the total pension (solidarity + the basic pension) by 2025 by 27% on average.

Prime Minister also reminded that now citizens have the right to transfer 50% of their pension assets into trust management. The second half of the savings in this case remains in the UNPF to ensure the future pension.

"From July 1, state social benefits will increase by another 14.5%. Overall, the total increase will be 23%. Disability will be established proactively without the need to visit medical institutions and obtain confirmation. The opinion will be given by independent experts from among experienced doctors." Alikhan Smailov noted.

At the same time to support families with children the size of benefits paid to mothers who have been awarded special awards: "Altyn alkha", "Maternal Glory" and "Heroine Mother" is differentiated. This amounts to about 90,000 women across the country.

In addition, according to the new Code, labor mobility centers are created in the country.

"There will be a single database of jobs in the regions. This will give people mobility in finding a job," Alikhan Smailov emphasized.

Summing up, he noted the need to ensure the timely and full assignment and increase of benefits in accordance with the Social Code.

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