

Kazakhstan to create register of professions

Kazakhstan to create register of professions
Фото: Pexels.com 28.09.2023 14:44 3879

On September 21, 2023, the Ministry of Labor of Kazakhstan approved the conditions for creating, updating and managing the register of professions, El.kz reports.

This decision is based on the Law on Professional Qualifications, according to which professions subject to recognition of qualifications are registered in the register on the basis of the recommendations of the National Council for Professional Qualifications, and the procedure is determined by the relevant state body, namely the Ministry of Labour.

The main purpose of the register is to provide reliable information on professions in which qualifications are recognized, both on a compulsory and voluntary basis.

The data in the register are provided for review in Kazakh and Russian languages.

The register is managed by the Ministry on the digital platform of the National Qualifications System.

Employers' associations send their proposals for the inclusion of professions in the register through sectoral government agencies.

Sectoral government agencies submit their proposals for updating the register twice a year - no later than February 1 and September 1, after agreement with industry councils.

When developing proposals, sectoral government agencies take into account the nature of work in accordance with the health, life and safety of the population, as well as the demand for professions in the labor market.

This is especially important for professions that are subject to recognition of qualifications based on the current and future needs of the labor market.

However, the requirements related to the nature of the work do not apply to offers for professions for which recognition of qualifications is mandatory.

Within 10 working days after receiving recommendations from the council, the Ministry of Labor forms and updates the register on a digital platform. Within three working days after the publication of the register, the Ministry issues a press release on its website in Kazakh and Russian languages.

The Order came into force on September 28, 2023.

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