

Kazakhstan has officially banned vape

Kazakhstan has officially banned vape
Фото: El.kz/Yerbol Bekbolat /Midjourney 20.06.2024 10:23 2232

On June 20, the updated law "On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Health Issues" came into force in Kazakhstan, which introduces a ban on the sale, import and production of electronic cigarettes (vapes), flavorings and liquids for them, El.kz reports.

For the use of vapes in prohibited places, there is  fine of up to 3 MCI (11,076 tenge). For the sale of prohibited products there is a fine of up to 200 MCI (738,400 tenge) or arrest for up to 50 days. Violation of the rules for the import and production of vapes entails fines of up to 2,000 MCI (7.3 million tenge), and for systematic violations - up to 5,000 MCI (18.4 million tenge) with the possibility of imprisonment for up to five years.

The ban also includes the transfer of vapes to others, which qualifies as distribution and entails  criminal responsibility .

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