

Kazakhstan among top destinations to visit

Kazakhstan among top destinations to visit
Фото: El.kz/Marina Ruzmatova /ChatGPT 23.10.2024 14:10 333

Kazakhstan among top destinations to visit according to Lonely Planet's Best in Travel 2025, El.kz reports.

Lonely Planet experts choose destinations based on the recommendations of travelers, authors and professionals in the tourism industry.

Vice Minister of Tourism and Sports Erjan Erkinbayev said that the inclusion of Kazakhstan into the ranking reflects a growing interest of the world to the tourism in the country.

Kazakhstan is described as a country, where ancient traditions and modernity are interwined

The tourism potential of Kazakhstan is highly appreciated not only by Lonely Planet. Earlier, Condé Nast Traveler and Wanderlust included Kazakhstan in the list of the best tourist destinations of 2024, and the city of Almaty was included in the TOP-52 best places to travel according to The New York Times.

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