

Kazakh language is Spiritual Treasure

Kazakh language is Spiritual Treasure
08.04.2020 17:38 60439

The Republican cultural and educational project of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan ‘Myń bala’ and a week-long ‘Language school’ aimed at the development of the state language has been implemented since 2015.

In 2015-2016 the versatile work on teaching children of ethnic groups to the state language was conducted in Kazakhstan. More than 20 thousand events were held under with participation of 585 thousand children and representatives of youth. Those events were also directed on strengthening Kazakhstan patriotism and public spiritual values, increasing a role of the state language as a basis of Independence, author's courses on teaching the state language, trainings of developing public speaking skills, national and sports games, competitions and quizzes, round tables, sessions. As a result of the measures taken, 109 453 people in the country were able to learn state language at a sufficient level.

‘Myń bala’ is an annual project, which is held from February to November. Last year six events were held under this project across the country. Development of author's programmes to teach Kazakh to children and young people of various ethnic groups ‘Til Mektebi’; ‘Asyl Soz' school - organization of communicative trainings and effective courses for children and youth of different ethnic groups, contributing to the basics of public speaking and improving communication skills; Holding a creative competition in Latin graphics on the theme ‘Sende Bir Kirpish Dúnɪege...’; ‘Tiimdi Tildik Orta’ playing field - organization of national and sports games, contests and quizzes combined with learning Kazakh language and active recreation; Carrying out the events in social networks on a theme "Ozim Týraly" (using Latin graphics, language - Kazakh) among children and teenagers of different ethnoses, published on personal social media.

Holding of all-Kazakhstani dictation in all regions using the Latin script as part of ‘Day of languages of Kazakhstan people’.

The aim of the project is to further strengthen public harmony and national unity through education in the state language and promotion of the Latin graphics.

At the XXII Session of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan First President Nursultan Nazarbayev said: "Today I must express sincere gratitude and bow to all those who study Kazakh language, to parents who taught children to speak the language of their motherland since childhood. This will unite us, so the Kazakh identity will be strengthened. The development of the Kazakh language has never known such scales in history. Those words of Elbasy became the keynote of the project, which was attended by children of non-Kazakh ethnicity.

According to Kogamdyk Kelisim, at mayor’s offices of regions, cities Nur-Sultan, Almaty and Shymkent, under ‘Myń bala’ republican cultural-educational project directed on learning state language, that was organized by the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, for the last year it was organized 24870 events with participation of 383690 children. As a result, the project contributed to the quality of education and mastering of the state language for 73472 children. In 2015, when the project was first launched, 44,497 children learned the state language, and this figure has now doubled.

‘Myń Bala’ provides assistance in strengthening and developing Kazakh identity and unity on the principles of citizenship in the process of teaching Kazakh language to preschool age children and schoolchildren, youth of different ethnic groups. Its program is built on the experience of international practice of "cultural and linguistic immersion" so that all participants are almost completely immersed in the cultural and linguistic environment: watching films and cartoons in the state language, protecting creative projects, staging theatrical performances, participating in competitions and contests.

Sherzod Pulatov, Deputy Chairman of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan and chairman of Uzbek ethnocultural center noted the importance of such a project in the formation of the unified Kazakhstan society and that the most important task of the project is to strengthen the role of the state language as a consolidating factor in the development of cultures, languages and traditions of the Kazakh people. The proof of gradual achievement of this task was the brilliant performances of the project participants of the last year.

"Today ‘Qazaqtanu’ project of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan gives good results. Bright example to that, the dictation held in Karaganda, where representatives of different ethnic groups took part, in general 40 000 people, challenge dedicated to Abai’s 175 anniversary, 125 anniversary of Saken Seifullin, Kassym readings, 'Kultegin Zhyry' and others, where representatives of different ethnic groups took part in the state language" said Bekzat Altynbekov, deputy chairman of regional Assembly.


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