

Kazakh PM points to necessity to strengthen control over operation of gas equipment in Kazakhstan

Kazakh PM points to necessity to strengthen control over operation of gas equipment in Kazakhstan
Фото: primeminister.kz 10.10.2023 12:23 1312

Measures to ensure fire safety during the heating period were considered at the Government session chaired by Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov, El.kz cites primeminister.kz.

As noted by Minister for Emergency Situations Syrym Sharipkhanov, in order to increase the level of protection of the population and reduce damage from fires, comprehensive work is carried out in several directions.

Thus, measures are taken to reduce the time of rendering assistance to citizens by automating the workplaces of duty dispatch services. In particular, data on the places of residence of 95 thousand persons with disabilities have been collected, which makes it possible to automatically inform rescuers about the presence of immobile citizens at the fire.

In parallel with this, a set of measures is being implemented to improve the safety culture of the population. This involves large-scale awareness-raising campaigns and raids. For example, last year, during the "Zhataqkhana" campaign, raids covered about 1,500 dormitories. The effectiveness of this work is confirmed by a 36% reduction in the number of fires and 2.5 times in the number of people injured in this category of buildings.

As of today, more than 300 thousand houses have been covered by the preventive measures, about 800 thousand citizens have been instructed, and almost 100 thousand violations have been revealed. As in previous years, the main emphasis is placed on the housing of socially vulnerable groups and large families.

The installation of sensors to detect dangerous concentration of gas and combustion products is also a good practice. On the eve of the heating period, about 8 thousand new devices were installed, and in total since 2016 - about 193 thousand.

Prime Minister pointed out that in September in Almaty region there were 4 cases of gas explosions, which killed 3 people and 12 injured, in Abay region in the current year the number of fires in the residential sector has increased 2-fold, and in East Kazakhstan region the largest number of deaths in fires is registered. Akims of the regions Marat Sultangaziyev, Nurlan Urankhayev and Yermek Kosherbayev made comments on the measures taken.


According to Alikhan Smailov, the heating period has just begun, but there are already facts of deaths in fires.

"Since the beginning of the year, the number of fires in the residential sector has increased by 14%, and deaths - by 10%. The growth of fires in Abay region, Almaty and Zhambyl regions, Ulytau region has been recorded," he said.

Along with this, gas cylinder explosions have become more frequent. This year, there have been 72 such cases, where 119 people were injured and 17 died. Among the main reasons are violations of requirements for safe operation and storage of cylinders.

Prime Minister reminded that currently control over compliance with the requirements of safe operation of gas equipment is entrusted to akimats. In particular, gas technical inspections have been established in the regions.

"However, the relevant work has not yet been organized by them. There is a lack of qualified specialists and necessary equipment. In this regard, regional akimats need to work on expanding the powers of gas technical inspections and their provision. The Ministry of Emergency Situations should take measures to improve the level of training of these specialists on the basis of the Academy of Civil Protection," Alikhan Smailov said. 

Head of the Government also pointed out that the procedure for withdrawal and disposal of household gas cylinders is not regulated in the republic. In addition, the issue of their own production has not been resolved so far. The Ministries of Industry and Energy have been instructed to take appropriate measures in these areas.

According to Prime Minister, the analysis of fires in the residential sector shows that most of the incidents occur in private residential houses and outbuildings. At the same time, mainly representatives of the older generation and children die.

In this regard, Alikhan Smailov emphasized the need to intensify the work on installation of carbon monoxide detectors and conducting rounds of the private residential sector, as well as to strengthen interaction with the population on fire safety. 

In conclusion, he added that during the heating period it is necessary to take control over the work of social facilities that do not have central heating, and to complete the work on removal of boilers installed inside public buildings and apartment buildings.

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