

Kazakh PM on sowing season: Subsidies empower villagers, not become profits for big industry players

Kazakh PM on sowing season: Subsidies empower villagers, not become profits for big industry players
Фото: primeminister.kz 10.05.2024 17:16 1000

At the Government session chaired by Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov, Ministers of Agriculture Aidarbek Saparov, Energy Almassadam Satkaliyev, as well as Akims of Turkestan, Akmola and Kostanay regions reported on the progress of the sowing campaign,El.kz citesprimeminister.kz.

The projected sown area in 2024 will be 23.8 million hectares. Within the framework of the Head of State's instruction on diversification of agricultural crops, wheat sowing area will be reduced this year, but it is planned to increase the area of oilseed crops by 373 thousand hectares and fodder crops by 66 thousand hectares. To date, sowing work is already underway in some regions of Kazakhstan, sown 1.5 million hectares. Mass sowing campaign will begin in the second decade of May this year.

Minister of Agriculture Aidarbek Saparov reported that the need for 2.4 million tonnes of seeds to date, according to the Akimats filled 99%. The remaining volume will be provided at the expense of the Prodkorporatsiya reserve. In addition, to date only 453 thousand tonnes of fertilizers have been shipped to farmers. 

In accordance with the instructions of the Head of State, the plan for the current year is 1.5 million tonnes of mineral fertilisers, of which 900 thousand tonnes are the products of domestic plants. Work in this direction has been fully completed only in Kyzylorda region. Other akimats need to speed up the work. 

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, 150 thousand tractors, about 5 thousand units of high-performance sowing complexes, 76 thousand seeders, 219 thousand tillage tools are available for the sowing campaign. As of today, according to the information of the regions, the readiness of equipment is about 98 per cent, and by the beginning of mass sowing works this equipment will be 100 per cent ready. 

For chemical treatment of fields, the state provides support in the form of subsidising the cost of pesticides at the rate of 50%. This will help to maintain a favourable phytosanitary situation. Also, due to the large area of locusts spreading in 2023, it is planned to carry out chemical treatments on the area of 2.5 million hectares this year. All necessary resources are available for these works. 

The volume of favourable diesel fuel for spring field work in 2024 was formed on the basis of electronic applications submitted by farmers through the information system "Gosagro.kz". On the instructions of the Prime Minister, this year farmers were additionally increased the volume of preferential diesel fuel by 36 thousand tonnes, up to 376 thousand tonnes. Its cost remains at 250 tenge per litre, which is 45 tenge/litre or 15% cheaper than market prices. A schedule of areas assigned to refineries for shipment has been approved, with 52% shipped to date. 

According to the Ministry of Energy, shipments to agricultural producers are carried out on a priority basis and are under constant control. 

The Government has allocated KZT140 billion for spring field work, KZT40 billion is provided for the forward purchase programme. In this regard, Prime Minister instructed the Ministry of Agriculture together with regional akimats to take all necessary measures to ensure quality sowing campaign on time. Particular attention is instructed to pay effective subsidising of agricultural enterprises.

"Since all rights to distribute subsidies have been transferred to akimats, it is necessary for you, Aidarbek Seypellovich, together with regional akims to take strict control of providing farmers with fair and rational subsidies. The money should empower the villagers and influence the volume of production, and not become the income of large players in the industry," Olzhas Bektenov said. 

Regional Akimats have been instructed to ensure coverage of the widest possible range of agrarians, focusing on small and medium-sized farms.

Prime Minister focused attention on proper planning of sowing works taking into account the long-term weather forecast.

On special control of the Government there are measures for stable supply of irrigation water to the southern regions of the republic, including in the long term. 

"The issue of water supply is important for the south. The situation of last year in Zhambyl oblast should not be repeated. I instruct the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation together with the Ministry of Agriculture and akimats to take measures for stable supply of irrigation water in the southern regions of the republic, including in the long term perspective," Olzhas Bektenov said.

Against the background of incoming complaints from agricultural producers due to the shortage of fertilisers from domestic plants, Prime Minister instructed the Ministry of Industry and Construction to take measures to increase the production of fertilisers in demand. Akimats need to accelerate the shipment of fertilizers and preferential diesel fuel.

On phytosanitary situation the Ministry of Agriculture together with regional akimats have been instructed to mobilise additional resources to identify places where locusts spread and take control of the work on treatment. This year 8.1 billion tenge has been allocated from the republican budget to fight against herd locust pests.

"All issues related to spring field work should be solved promptly and be under constant control. Emerging issues should be solved within the framework of the Operational Headquarters," Prime Minister instructed.

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