

Kazakh Ministry of Health moves to strengthen Marburg threat control measures

Kazakh Ministry of Health moves to strengthen Marburg threat control measures
Фото: El.kz/Marina Ruzmatova /ChatGPT 07.10.2024 12:57 55

The Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan has strengthened control over the epidemiological situation due to the warning of the WHO about a possible outbreak of the Marburg virus. According to the country's Chief State Sanitary Doctor Sarkhat Beissenova, the ministry is taking measures to prevent the import and spread of infection,El.kz reports.

Marburg virus is transmitted to humans through contact with infected fruit bats, the reservoir host of the virus or infected non-human primates.  

Subsequent person-to-person spread occurs through direct contact with blood or bodily fluids of an infected individual or contact with contaminated fomites or surfaces.

The Ministry of Health also noted that there is no specific treatment and vaccine against the Marburg virus, only symptomatic treatment is carried out. The main symptoms include fever, sore throat, rash, abdominal pain, and bleeding.

To prevent the import of the virus into Kazakhstan at the State Border, sanitary and quarantine control is carried out at the country's international airports using non-contact thermometry of all arriving passengers.

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