

Kazakh-Czech business forum in Astana: agreements worth 230 million euros signed

Kazakh-Czech business forum in Astana: agreements worth 230 million euros signed
Фото: promeminister.kz 24.04.2023 17:22 550

Agreements with the Czech company Skoda Transportation, the export insurance agency EGAP, the Czech Export Bank, a memorandum with Transko and other documents worth 230 million euros were signed following the results of the Kazakh-Czech business forum in Astana, El.kz reports with reference to the press service of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The event was attended by the heads of government of the two countries Alikhan Smailov and Petr Fiala, representatives of the public sector, national companies and business circles. Within the framework of the business forum, a plenary session was held and bilateral meetings were held in the B2B format.

In his speech, Alikhan Smailov noted that currently there are about 200 joint Kazakh-Czech enterprises operating in the republic.

- The growing interest of Czech business in launching joint projects in Kazakhstan is evidence that much attention is paid to improving the investment climate in our country. We have all the necessary prerequisites for the implementation of breakthrough investment projects," Alikhan Smailov said.

He recalled that Kazakhstan remains a leader in attracting investment in Central Asia. Thus, over the years of independence, the republic has managed to attract more than $410 billion in foreign direct investment.

- Our strategic goal is to attract another $150 billion by 2029. Separately, there are special economic and industrial zones for priority sectors of the economy. Their participants receive all the necessary infrastructure and a package of benefits," the Prime Minister emphasized.

The Head of Government noted the activities of the Astana International Financial Center, which has become an important platform for attracting investments, having a full range of relevant financial instruments and services. Evidence of the success of the center is that more than 1800 companies from 73 countries have already registered in it.

At the end of his speech, Alikhan Smailov noted that the business forum held in Astana is an effective practical step in deepening trade and economic cooperation between Kazakhstan and the Czech Republic.

- Within the framework of our forum, a number of documents worth 230 million euros are signed, on the basis of which it is planned to implement various joint projects. We are ready and intend to further deepen our investment cooperation with Czech partners," the Prime Minister concluded.

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