

Issues of gender equality, countering domestic violence and human trafficking discussed at Kazakh FM

Issues of gender equality, countering domestic violence and human trafficking  discussed at Kazakh FM
Фото: MFA 06.06.2024 10:42 1988

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, chaired by Ambassador-at-Large Alua Nadirkulova, held a regular meeting of the “Human Dimension Dialogue Platform” Consultative and Advisory Body (HDDP CAB), El.kz cites MFA.

During the meeting the issues of implementation of the recommendations of the UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, countering domestic violence, as well as measures taken to combat human trafficking in the Republic of Kazakhstan were discussed.

The event was attended by the Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Human Rights under the President, members of the Mazhilis of Parliament, representatives of the National Center for Human Rights, relevant ministries, human rights NGOs in Kazakhstan, as well as guests of the site – representatives of the United Nations Development Program, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Representative Office of the European Union in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In her welcoming speech, Alua Nadirkulova provided information about Kazakhstan's priorities for promoting the initiative of gender equality and countering domestic violence at the sessions of the UN Human Rights Council this year. Kazakhstan was elected as a member of the UN Human Rights Council for 2022-2024. In addition, she pointed out the consolidation of joint efforts of civil society, lawyers, members of Parliament, human rights institutions and government agencies in the development of the Law on the Protection of Women's Rights and Child Safety (hereinafter – the Law). The regulatory act was prepared as part of the implementation of the Action Plan in the field of Human Rights and the Rule of Law dated December 8, 2023.

At the meeting, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Youth and Family Affairs of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan Naila Mukhtarova noted that currently particular attention is paid to ensuring utmost support for the economic and political positions of women in society,  increasing the number of women in the leadership position in government and the quasi-public sector to 30%, preventing violence against women and children, promoting gender education, support for motherhood and childhood. Currently, at the legislative level 30% quotas have already been introduced for women, youth and persons with disabilities in electoral party lists, as well as in the distribution of parliamentary mandates.

During the discussion, member of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Marat Bashimov provided information that the human rights law on combating human trafficking, covering all vulnerable categories and conforming to the principles of international law, was adopted in the Mazhilis and passed to the Senate of the Parliament. The members Parliament made more than a hundred amendments, taking into account the recommendations of civil society, international and Kazak human rights organizations, scientific and expert circles.

At the meeting, Vice Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nazgul Sagindykova informed about the provision of a wide range of special social services to victims of human trafficking   (social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, labor, cultural, economic, legal services) from the state budget. Thus, according to local executive bodies, 192 victims of human trafficking have been assisted since the beginning of the year, 74 of them are foreign citizens.

In turn, the Head of the Department for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Shynar Kocherbayeva, emphasized the role of the first special draft law “On Combating human trafficking” developed on behalf of the Head of State. It provides for bringing some definitions in line with international standards, establishing authorized bodies, their rights and obligations, as well as securing the rights of victims of human trafficking, including minors and foreigners.

As part of the third question, Deputy Chairman of the Administrative Police Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Renat Zulkhairov informed that on April 15 this year, a law was signed that considers the criminalization of administrative legislation in terms of causing minor harm to health and beatings. It was noted that within the framework of special requirements for the offender's behavior, the court is granted the right to temporarily evict the “aggressor” from the home. At the same time, he is invited to temporarily reflect on his actions in the Centers of Social Adaptation. In addition, the court will have the authority to appoint the passage of mandatory psychocorrection courses in healthcare organizations by the “aggressor”.

In general, the discussion of the agenda was open and constructive. Representatives of government agencies and NGOs listened to problematic issues and gave practical recommendations for systemic improvement of the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, combating domestic violence and human trafficking.

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