

Grand Prix winner of Astana Piano Passion to give a recital at Astana Opera

Grand Prix winner of Astana Piano Passion to give a recital at Astana Opera
Фото: astanaopera.kz 19.06.2023 12:23 961

The recital of the Grand Prix winner of the Astana Piano Passion competition, talented young pianist Zhuldyz Yerzhenis, will take place on June 25 at the Astana Opera. The promising musician will perform at the Kulyash Baiseitova Chamber Hall with the support of the management of the capital’s opera house, El.kz cites astanaopera.kz.

As a reminder, in November 2022, Zhuldyz Yerzhenis won the main prize at the Republican Competition for Young Pianists Astana Piano Passion, held under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The right to perform a recital Ms. Yerzhenis received as an award presented by the Astana Opera. It is important to emphasize that supporting creative youth of the country is one of the most important areas of the opera house’s lines of work.

 “I am very grateful for the opportunity to perform at the capital’s prestigious stage venue, because a recital is an important stage of development for the creative formation of an artist. This is a kind of a result of your work, a mirror of your soul. In the process of preparation, I work a lot on the nuances and I want my performance and interpretation to reach the hearts of the listeners, so that each of them feels all the beauty and depth of Her Majesty Music,” Zhuldyz Yerzhenis says.

It should be noted that the young pianist first felt love for high art in childhood. When she was 10 years old, she performed Haydn’s piano concerto with the State Symphony Orchestra of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the Zhambyl Kazakh State Philharmonic. Her talent and abilities surprised not only her teachers, but also many music critics. A clear confirmation of this is the fact that the talented pianist has repeatedly become a laureate of republican and international competitions.

To be more precise, in 2019, Zhuldyz Yerzhenis took part in the 20th Anniversary International Nutcracker TV Competition of the Kultura TV channel in Moscow. In 2022, she received the Grand Prix and an award for the best performer of Prokofiev’s works at the 12th Prokofiev International Competition in Yekaterinburg, conducted online. In the same year, she became the winner of the 1st prize at the Astana-Merei International Competition and also won the main prize at the Republican Television Competition dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Zhambyl Zhabaiuly. And last year, having won the main prize at the Astana Piano Passion competition, despite her young age, Zhuldyz once again confirmed her status as a competitive musician.

It bears emphasis that Astana is her hometown. Zhuldyz was born on June 19, 2007, in the capital of our country. This year she graduated from the 9th grade of the Akhmet Zhubanov Republican Kazakh Specialized Music Boarding School for Gifted Children in Almaty.

“I am inspired by music, cinema, outstanding personalities, their deeds and achievements. My family and my teacher Gulnara Zhakeyeva help me achieve my goals. My grandmother especially supports me and always finds the right words before an important performance. Preparation for the upcoming concert lasted about six months, and we chose the program together with my teacher. I wanted to include precisely those works that reveal my personality. Each composition differs from others in style, era, structure and meaning. In addition, this year is the 150th anniversary of my favorite composer Sergei Rachmaninoff, so his illustrious music will certainly be featured at this musical evening,” the young pianist concluded.

In addition to Rachmaninoff’s works, the performer will present Toccata, Allemande from Bach’s Partita No. 6 in E minor, Liszt’s Transcendental Etude No. 10 in F minor and concert etude Waldesrauschen. The program will also include Schumann’s Papillons, Ravel’s Jeux d’Eau and Tchaikovsky’s Méditation op.72 No.5. There is no doubt that the beautiful melodies chosen by Zhuldyz will touch the listeners’ hearts and make an unforgettable impression on them.

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