

Government to allocate 100 bln. tenge to start business in villages

Government to allocate 100 bln. tenge to start business in villages
Фото: primeminister.kz 29.06.2023 17:52 624

100 billion tenge was allocated for business in villages. This was stated by Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov, speaking at the republican forum of deputies of maslikhats of all levels of the AMANAT party in Astana.

In order to increase the incomes of the rural population, the Auyl Amanat project is being implemented, within the framework of which it is planned to provide microcredits for business development and take measures to strengthen agricultural cooperation. This year, 100 billion tenge has been allocated for this. In general, within 7 years, the project is planned to cover more than 1 million villagers, and the amount of its financing will amount to 1 trillion tenge.

The Head of Government noted that a new regulatory policy in relation to business is currently being introduced in the republic.

As part of it, an analysis was carried out and more than 10 thousand unreasonable requirements for entrepreneurs in 44 industries were identified. 9 thousand of them have already been canceled, work on the rest will be completed by the end of the year. In general, this will significantly reduce the burden on the business.

At the same time, this year, risk management systems will be automated in all areas of state regulation, which will reduce the number of scheduled business inspections by half.

At the same time, systemic measures to support small and medium-sized businesses have been expanded.

"In order to develop the manufacturing industry, the list of supported industries has been increased by 116 units, and for a number of them, the interest rate subsidy period has been increased from 5 to 7 years. In general, state support for business has been increased to 266 billion tenge," Alikhan Smailov said.

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