

Development of social sphere of Kazakhstan discussed with UN representative

Development of social sphere of Kazakhstan discussed with UN representative
Фото: primeminister.kz 16.05.2023 10:59 483

Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov has held a meeting with Natalia Kanem, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), El.kz cites primeminister.kz.

The sides discussed the issues of development of Kazakhstan’s social sphere, including education and healthcare, youth support initiatives, as well as the issue of holding the UNFPA Leaders Global Meeting in Almaty.

As the Prime Minister noted, Kazakhstan attaches great importance to the multilateral development of the relations with the UN, in particular, with the UNFPA, which specializes in implementation of the best international practices and experience in social sector.

«Our contribution to the joint work is invaluable. We are thankful for the efforts aimed at the achievement of our common goals,» Alikhan Smailov said.

He added that the key principles and priorities of the UN-Kazakhstan cooperation are determined in the 2021-2025 Framework Programme, the implementation of which has already given positive results.

«This is confirmed by the 2022 United Nations Country Team’s Annual Report on Kazakhstan, which highly praises the activity in support of youth, gender equality and social institutions development. I would like to note that this is a direct result of our fruitful cooperation,» Alikhan Smailov said.

Alongside, the Government continues its social sphere development work. Beginning from January 1, the Kazakh Government has adopted the Digital Family Map, which helps proactively identify the need to introduce state support measures. A comprehensive modernization of rural healthcare has been launched. More than 600 outpatient clinics, first aid/obstetric and medical centers will be built. 32 inter-district hospitals will be modernized this year.

According to Smailov, special attention is paid to youth problems. The Government has approved the 2029 Youth Policy Concept, which contains the measures of increasing population’s income, as well as the measures of providing housing and ensuring quality education.

In turn, Natalia Kanem commended high results of development of the social sphere, achieved by Kazakhstan in recent years. She also confirmed UNFPA’s readiness to continue rendering assistance and technical support to the country in implementation of new initiatives.

«We welcome the Government’s efforts on creation of favorable conditions for the development of youth and youth health centers opened countrywide. This is an excellent achievement, the example of advanced practice, which we will discuss at the meeting in Almaty. More than 200 leaders of the UNFPA are expected to gather there. In this context, I would like to note the importance of life skills-based education, and the UNFPA is ready to support this area,» Natalia Kanem said.

At the end of the meeting, the sides confirmed their readiness to expand partnership on a wide range of issues representing mutual interest.

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