A gala concert of creative collectives of ethno-cultural associations of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan in Nur-Sultan was held in the capital park "Zhetisu" with the support of the city mayor’s office and Department of Culture and Sports.
At the opening of the concert, Head of Secretariat of APK in Nur-Sultan Lyazzat Kussainova, director of "Qogamdyq Kelisim" MPI at Mayor’s Office of Nur-Sultan N. Aidashev congratulated the participants on the reporting gala concert, active creative teams were awarded with "Letters of Gratitude" from the mayor of Nur-Sultan.
Members of APK, representatives of the capital's mayor’s office, ethno-cultural associations and youth wings of Nur-Sultan took part in the gala concert.
At the end of the evening, Vice Chairmen of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan Yussup Keligov and Sherzod Pulatov expressed their gratitude to ethno-cultural associations and creative teams for active participation in the activities of the capital's Assembly.
It should be reminded that the reporting concerts of ethno-cultural associations of the capital APK started in May were held every Sunday in several parks of the capital.
On May 5, creative teams of Slavic, Tatar-Bashkir and Chechen-Ingush associations performed in the "Studenchesky" park, on May 12, German and Ukrainian ethno-cultural associations performed in the park "Zheruiyk" on May 19, Korean Ethnocultural center and Cossack union teams performed in the park "Zhetisu" on May 26, Georgian, Uzbek, Karakalpak and Polish, on June 2, Uighur, Kyrgyz, Belarusian and Jewish ethno-cultural associations of the capital's APK, on June 2, Uyghur, Belarusian and Jewish ethnic-cultural associations performed in the park "Zhetisu".