Assembly is my lifestyle, Anastasia Timoshchenko-Borovikova
Anastasia Timoshchenko-Borovikova is Head of the youth wing of "Ukrainian Community "Obereg" in Astana, Deputy Chairman of the headquarters of the Republican Youth Movement "Zhangyru zholy" of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan.
Anastasia was born in Tselinograd. Since childhood, she took an active participation in all events, she was a class leader at school and universities, which developed her sense of responsibility for others. Anastasia is fond of music, graduated from Taras Schevchenko National University of Kyiv, KazGUU University and Higher School of Design in Kyiv. Now she is a successful entrepreneur, who is engaged in teaching and social life.
— Anastasia, could you tell us please about activity of “Charivni Dzherela”?
—The youth wing of "Ukrainian Community “Obereg” Astana is one of the active and successful. We work with young people in many areas of life – charity, assistance and support for veterans and elderly, creativity, development of business communication skills, holding international and national conferences and congresses.
On my own example, I want to show my peers in practice that we create the history of our country and personal history ourselves. There is no time to delay and wait, it is necessary to do good deeds here and now.
Among other things, I direct large-scale festivals and concerts of our Public Association and actively involve as many young people as possible. Each member of the Association is always involved in its work as one big close-knit family and team.
— You founded School of furniture and interior decorators "Anastasia TB". Could you tell us more about it. Is it your hobby?
—School of decorators was founded in 2016. In August 2018, I opened a branch in Almaty. I was always drawn to creating design with my own hands, I could easily pick colors, mix shades in the right proportions, choose intuitively what is suitable for interior and what is not.
As I am a practiсal person by nature, it is important for me to create and build. Love for antique furniture led me to think that there are almost no specialists in our country who both restore the old furniture and completely transform it into a new color and make it a stylish piece of furniture.
It is important that everything I teach is author, they are not written off from the Internet. How to repaint the old chair, how to paint, fix – it is a personal experience that I am happy to give my students.
— You mentioned that there are no such schools in Kazakhstan, what is its uniqueness or peculiarity?
—There are art studios and workshops in Kazakhstan that teach children and adults needlework, any small "redesign". My School gives knowledge globally and covers the whole range of knowledge, after which a person acquires a new profession and can earn money freely.
The main aim is not to teach something that will be forgotten immediately after class. My task is to produce ready-made specialists who being in different parts of the country will help Kazakhstan citizens in the transformation of their interior, in saving their money by repainting furniture and interior items.
Uniqueness of Decorators School is that the age of our students vary from 12 to 60. I teach people of different ages, professions and areas of life with absolutely zero knowledge in this area. Every lesson for them is the discovery of the new world, after which I often hear: "I thought it was very hard, but it turns out to be simple and accessible!". The School produces ready-made furniture decorators and interior decorators.
In addition to activities in the field of entrepreneurship, teaching at School of decorators, I sing in the vocal and choreographic ensemble named after N. Litoshko "Ukrainian Community "Obereg".
Song is the life. Performing on the stage, in front of huge halls, with Ukrainian and Kazakh songs, I feel like people sing along and we become one big family.
—Is there a book that changed your view of life or forced you to abandon certain stereotypes?
—I enjoy reading books about personal development, human thinking, i.e. those that can really teach something and after reading which I will be able to benefit my business and my self-development.
My main handbook is “Etiquette” by P. Pots. I believe that everyone should observe the rules of decency and good manners.
—What helps you in making decisions in difficult situations? What is your life credo and motivators?
—I'm a person with a sense of hyper-responsibility. I can't push the matter aside, because people are often behind it, and that's important. The support of loved ones is significant, if your family believe in you, you'll move the mountains.
—Social work, charity, master classes for children from orphanages – how long have you been doing this? How did the idea of holding trainings for children of SOS Children's village emerge?
—Community of Ukrainians "Obereg" has been helping Children's village SOS for many years. Together with the youth wing, we often hold events and celebrations. After founding School of decorators, I clearly knew that these children, with their burning eyes should be able to do what I can at least for some percentage. It is the development of thinking, creativity, live communication and most importantly, attention and love. Each lesson ends with tears in their eyes. These are the tears of happiness that you get in return – sincere gratitude, warm hugs and smiles of children.
—You are an active participant in many events of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan. What does the Assembly mean to you personally?
—I have been in the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan since I was 11 years old. I can definitely say that for me it is not just a social activity, it is my lifestyle. I cannot imagine myself without a life in the Assembly. Every day I work on the development of tolerance and diversity in our country. The great merit of our Leader of the nation is that each of us, being a Kazakhstan citizen, can proudly preserve and show others the traditions, life, songs, dances of his or her ethnicity. Wearing a Ukrainian costume, which I wear to events several times a week, I feel that I have great happiness to preserve my roots and at the same time learn about the life of other ethnicities in our country.
Thanks to the events held by the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan and our Association, I had the honor to meet our President, Nursultan Nazarbayev with bread and salt in hands, it is an unforgettable emotion, when due to this ancient tradition, you feel the incredible energy of such a great man. The Assembly of people of Kazakhstan has multiplied leadership qualities, sense of responsibility and pride for my country in me.
In recent years, such concepts as "modernization of consciousness and society", pattern interrupt and moving beyond stereotypes are actively promoted. President emphasizes that it is necessary to expand the possibilities of one's consciousness. What is your modernization?
—Today's young people are often very limited within their home, society, social networks. Many people are used to learn about life only through the mobile screen. This is fundamentally wrong. It is necessary to take an active part in the life of society, to change the world, to make history today, the future in the hands of young people, in the hands of the younger generation. We have the opportunity to learn from the unique experience of our parents and senior mentors, and modernizing in the modern world to improve and promote.
—How do you see yourself in 5 years? Could you describe please.
— In 5 years I see myself a person with an active life position and the same purposefulness. In 5 years I want to open more schools of decorators and have thousands of creative people graduating from them. Representatives of my schools are my students, with burning eyes and firm confidence in the development of the country.
—2019 is declared as Year of youth by the President. Share your plans.
— In 2019, our youth wing "Rada of Ukrainians of Kazakhstan", where I serve as the Chairman, plans to hold a youth forum with the participation of youth leaders from all over Kazakhstan. I try to offer various projects and ideas for the implementation of youth policy within the youth movement "Zhangyru Zholy", as I believe that with the creation of the movement, the life and quality of work of young people has doubled. Our youth has become more active in the right direction for the country.
—What is your wish for young people?
—Conducting trainings and master classes, I always tell about the main thing – young people should not just learn, have fun, do hobbies. Each of us should actively integrate into the life of our country, not to be closed in the walls of our home, but to take all the chances for self-expression from life. The Assembly provides a unique opportunity to express yourself in business, creativity and charity. Do not miss your opportunity as I do not miss it every day. Go for it, as daring thoughts make new unknown ways.
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