

Artificial Intelligence and Law: The Journey of Kazakh Expert Maulen Alimkhanov

Artificial Intelligence and Law: The Journey of Kazakh Expert Maulen Alimkhanov
17.06.2024 15:51 737

Kazakhstan is rapidly advancing in the field of digitalization. Foreign guests are often surprised by the well-established online services, the seamless process of obtaining official documents, online banking that sets global trends, and even the ability to start a business without leaving home.

This digital transformation extends to the justice system, which can operate electronically. Big Data processing algorithms and Artificial Intelligence are being actively implemented in courts and prosecution offices. Behind these achievements are talented individuals driving progress in our country. While their names are well-known in professional circles, today, we spotlight a professional whose work has influenced the digitalization of law and the integration of artificial intelligence into legal systems.

Our story focuses on Maulen Alimkhanov, a legal expert in digitalization and AI. We will explore why a person who dreamed of becoming an IT specialist chose a career in law and how he became a professional at the intersection of digitalization and law despite numerous challenges.

Born into a modest family in Karaganda, Maulen's story is about determination and perseverance. His mother, Roza Seytkalievna Alimkhanova, was a dedicated doctor who also engaged in scientific research, inventing unique methods for treating childhood diseases. Maulen said his mother became his role model, embodying the idea that knowledge could change lives, even when it seemed impossible to many.

“I saw parents in tears bringing their children with severe congenital clubfoot or arthrogryposis to my mother. There was no cure for these diseases, and the children were doomed to disability. But my mother inspired hope in these parents, cured their children, and gave them a new life. She invented non-surgical treatments and received international awards. Most importantly, she saved children from disability and brought them happiness when no one believed it was possible.”

His mother's example instilled in Maulen a strong belief in the power of knowledge to change the world. From a young age, he was passionate about computer science. "Not everyone had a computer at home, but I found ways to learn," he says. "I stayed after school to attend computer science clubs, volunteered, and absorbed IT knowledge like a sponge."

When it came time for university, Maulen faced a harsh reality: his family could not afford to pay for his higher education. Despite his excellent grades, the IT programs he dreamed of were abroad or at expensive universities. When asked why he chose to become a lawyer, he explains that life circumstances sometimes leave us with no choice.

“Before university, we discovered that my mother was seriously ill. She was worried about our future if she were gone. She raised us alone and was an orphan herself. In Karaganda, there was a police academy where students were provided with food, housing, and free education, but the selection process was tough. When I was admitted, my mother was relieved that I would be taken care of while she underwent treatment.”

Fortunately, his mother recovered, which gave Maulen even more motivation. He realized that digital technologies could be applied to any field. After graduating from police academy, he quickly rose through the ranks. As the "Best Investigator of the Year," he was appointed to the prosecutor's office, where he played a key role in implementing the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations. This innovative system digitized the crime registration process, marking a significant milestone in Kazakhstan's legal system. Later, Maulen joined the General Prosecutor's Office, contributing to the Electronic Criminal Case and AIS "Zandylyk" projects based on Big Data and AI principles.

“Specialists at the intersection of multiple fields are in demand now.
IT technologies are applicable everywhere, but software developers cannot independently build a project architecture. In the digitalization of law, deep legal knowledge is essential. I was fortunate to work with talented individuals, and we all learned from each other, creating specialists at the intersection with invaluable experience.”

Despite his success, Maulen Alimkhanov faced a crucial decision: continue his career growth in Kazakhstan or delve deeper into academia. "I felt that I lacked advanced knowledge," he admits. "Practical experience in digital projects was valuable, but further education could have saved me years and opened new doors." Ultimately, Maulen took a sabbatical and enrolled at Berkeley Law School, renowned for its leading Intellectual Law and Information Technology programs. "Studying at Berkeley was a dream come true," Maulen notes. "I was surrounded by talented people from around the world, all practicing lawyers who, like me, wanted to deepen their understanding of digital technology and law."

Maulen believes that Kazakhstan is brimming with talented specialists capable of developing groundbreaking products. Many of these innovators aspire to venture into international markets, seeking greater investment opportunities. The global digital revolution has dismantled borders, making talent and ingenuity the driving forces behind cutting-edge progress.

Knowledge is inextricably linked with teaching and sharing experiences. Maulen Alimkhanov lectures on the digitalization of law and finds students' questions inspiring, often leading to new ideas. "When invited to speak at universities, I drop everything to go. My favorite part is the students' questions. They can be so deep and unpredictable that I sometimes think the future Elon Musk might be studying at Kazakh universities."

Maulen’s teachers and mentors inspire him to share his knowledge and experience. "I am currently working on creating a course in Intellectual Property Law, Artificial Intelligence, and its regulation. My motivation is to pass on knowledge and inspire others," Maulen explains, – "and I believe this is how we can stimulate progress and achieve innovative breakthroughs."

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