Yerzhan Zhumabek, ‘100 New Faces of Kazakhstan’ Winner Met with Youth of Kapshagay

3 October 2019, 15:27 1500

Within the framework of the Year of Youth, representatives of the Republican Youth Movement of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan "Zhangyru Zholy" visited Kapshagay, Almaty region, where the Youth Festival "Youth. Unity. Future" was held.

"PRodvigay sebya" self-promotion training was held on the festival square as well.

Timur Jumurbayev, First Deputy Chairman of ‘Zhangyru Zholy’ Republican Youth Movement has told that "During work of organization, youth of Assembly has been initiated many interesting projects. We held motivational meetings with the winners of the project "100 New Faces", tried to make sure that young people tell their peers about their success - young businessmen, inventors, cultural figures. Now it is very important for us to create a platform for the implementation of the best youth projects, so we try to pay great attention to work in the regions, we communicate with rural youth.

During the event the winner of the project "100 New Faces of Kazakhstan", the poet Yerzhan Zhumabek shared his life history and experience of self-promotion. He has been writing poems since he was a schoolboy. Now he works in close cooperation with composers and writes songs for performers of national pop music. Yerzhan Zhumabek admits that the project "100 New Faces of Kazakhstan" gave him strength and a powerful impulse for creativity.

The project on self-promotion, strategies of self-marketing and self-PR "PRodvigay sebya" is implemented in order to develop competitive skills among young people in the field of promotion in the information space. This problem is solved by means of modern technologies on experience of participants of the project "100 New Faces of Kazakhstan" and leaders of youth.

The expected result is the formation of a knowledge base of the participants in the field of image and information promotion, taking into account the experience of Kazakhstanis who have achieved success in various fields and contributed to the development of independent Kazakhstan.
