10 December 2018, 11:51 1380

On December 8, "Otandastar" Fund and the World Association of Kazakhs with the assistance of the Federal National Cultural Autonomy of Kazakhs of Russia in Omsk conducts regional Kurultai of Kazakhs of Russia.

The event will be opened by the first Deputy Chairman of the World Association of Kazakhs (WAK) Zautbek Turissbekov. He will tell foreign compatriots about the current state of the historical homeland, achievements in socio-economic and socio-political development and the results of joint activities of the HAC and "Otandastar" Fund.

Vice-President of the Fund Talgat Aduov will tell in details on the goals and objectives of the Fund "Otandastar", created last year on the initiative of the Head of state. In his speech, he will focus on the planned projects to preserve the national identity of the Kazakhs, as stated in the program article of the Head of state "Rouhani zhangyru".

Deputy head of the Research Center “Sakralny Kazakhstan” ("Sacred Kazakhstan") Batyrkhan Zhumabayev in his report consider the importance of preserving spiritual values, research and promotion of sacred historical sites, in general, the development of cultural and tourist clusters of Kazakhstan.

Director of the State Language Development Fund Azat Shaueyev will introduce compatriots to the projects of the Fund headed by him and will talk about the available free mobile applications, online courses and Internet resources, including for children to learn Kazakh language.

It is planned to discuss the main directions of projects to support the Kazakh diaspora in Russia in the field of education, study of cultural and spiritual heritage and business development. The event will end with a gala concert with the participation of Kazakhstani artists.

The Kazakh community in Russia has about 1 million people, most of whom live in the regions bordering Kazakhstan. The largest diasporas are located in Astrakhan, Orenburg, Omsk and Saratov regions. According to the number of Russia, the Kazakhs are the fourth Turkic ethnos after the Tatars, Bashkirs and Chuvash and the tenth among all ethnicities of Russia.

Small Kurultai of Kazakhs abroad are held annually under the auspices of the Ministry of Social Development of Kazakhstan and are aimed at the restoration and promotion of original culture, customs and traditions.
