Presidents of Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan visit AIFC

11 April 2023, 09:22 613

Presidents of Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and Ilham Aliyev visited the AIFC Court office in Astana, cites Akorda.

Christopher Campbell-Holt, Registrar and Chief Executive of the AIFC Court and IAC, told the Presidents about the first ever judicial system in Central Asia based on the norms and principles of English law. According to him, the AIFC Court, which deals with civil and commercial disputes, works according to the best international standards.

Tokayev and Aliyev also got familiarized with the activity of the Astana Financial Services Authority (AFSA) and Business Development Group afterwards. The AIFC Tech Hub representatives told the Presidents about the development of venture financing and technological innovations.

In conclusion, the Azerbaijani President made an entry in the Book of Honored Guests of the AIFC.

Previously it was reported that Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev had arrived in Kazakhstan for an official visit. The Azeri President met with Kazakh Leader Kassym-Jomart Tokayev at Akorda. A number of key documents was signed following the talks between the two Heads of State.
