President of Kazakhstan receives Minister of Internal Affairs Yerzhan Sadenov

14 May, 15:30 888

Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev held a meeting with Interior Minister Yerzhan Sadenov, at which key issues of ensuring law and order and security in the country were discussed, reports with reference to Akorda.

Minister Sadenov presented a report on the crime situation, noting the decrease in the crime rate since the beginning of the year. He reported a reduction in the number of thefts, robberies, hooliganism, as well as offenses committed at home, in a state of intoxication and on the streets.

The minister also reported on the results of the search for criminals. Since the beginning of the year, 782 persons have been detained, of whom 79 were arrested abroad. 16 wanted persons were extradited to the country.

Yerzhan Sadenov informed about measures to ensure the safety of citizens in crowded places. More than two thousand facilities vulnerable to terrorism, including schools, universities, shopping and entertainment centers, concert halls and places of worship, were checked.

The minister also reported on the work on migration control. Over the past period, 4.2 million foreigners entered the country and about 4 million left, of which 90% are citizens of the CIS.

In addition, Sadenov briefed the president on the implementation of instructions to counter organized crime, cyber and drug crime, prevent offenses, eliminate the consequences of floods, ensure road safety and conduct extraordinary certification.

The Minister emphasized the measures taken to improve the level of safety on the streets and ensure the principle of "zero tolerance" for offenses.

At the end of the meeting, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev gave a number of instructions aimed at further improving the level of law and order and public security in the country.
