26 June 2019, 12:03 1511

Assembly of People of Kazakhstan was one of the first to begin an action to assist the evacuees from Arys, Turkestan region.

In particular, the Assemblies of People of Kazakhstan of Nur-Sultan, Shymkent and Turkestan region are raising funds to help the victims in Arys.

On the initiative of heads of capital ethno-cultural associations in the House of Friendship, the meeting on which it has been decided to organize a staff on gathering of the humanitarian aid to Arys locals took place.

Thus, the deputy chairman of Uzbek cultural center, businessman Hasan Sharipov sent 22 tons of flour to Arys.

In addition, a working group has been set up in the House of Friendship to coordinate and collect incoming basic necessities, hygiene products and foodstuffs. Philanthropists of the capital's Assembly were among the first to respond to the plight of Arys residents.

From 25 June through 28 June (10am to 10pm), there is a reception center "ARYS" to help the victims at the address: B. Momyshuly Avenue, 24/9, House of Friendship. Contacts: 8 775 281 46 63, 8 (7172) 49 56 93.

Meanwhile, in Shymkent, under the chairmanship of Muratali Kalmuratov, Head of Secretariat of the Regional APK, a headquarters was organized operationally to help those evacuated from Arys.

On June 24, 2019, the regional assembly sent a bus to Arys. At the same time, the ethno-cultural centers of Shymkent organized the first necessary assistance.

Ethno-cultural centres actively participated in providing comprehensive assistance.

Slavic Ethnocultural Centre sent buses and trucks to evacuate the residents, Korean Ethnocultural Centre provided drinking water, and bottles of water were also delivered to the headquarters.

Uzbek ethnocultural centre provided temporary housing and food for 30 persons, cooked pilaf for 150 persons, provided food for the evacuees at Hamza school No. 53, and provided additional bedding in the amount of 50 pieces.

Uyghur center sent food for 1000 people to the evacuation point to the Nursat microdistrict.

Turkish cultural center sent heavy-duty truck with food for those evacuated to school No. 52, including drinking water and diapers for children, and sent 30 boxes of cucumbers to the headquarters. Assistance was provided to those in need in Schools No. 56 and 87. Tatar-Bashkir centre brought foodstuffs (pasta, flour, eggs) and other products to the headquarters.

Citizens who were not indifferent came to the headquarters with a proposal to help by providing food and accommodation.

This is a member of the regional council of APK, A. Dosbolov (provided 100 trays of eggs), Ziyabiddin Mirzayev (placed 26 people to stay for the night).

The Korean family provided 80 families in Ak-Mechet’ with hot meals. A resident of Shymkent brought things and pickles to the Assembly headquarters.

Representatives of young people also take an active part in the campaign of assistance, providing assistance in distribution.

200 loaves of bread were taken to the headquarters, half of which were taken to the central mosque by members of Assembly’s youth wing from Tole bi district.

This is not an end in itself, and the campaign was even more popular.

In the current situation, one can see the solidarity of the Kazakh people.

Uzbek Ethnocultural Centre has prepared a dastarkhan for 1000 people, 1000 flatbreads have been delivered to the headquarters, and hygiene items have been delivered to the headquarters by Chechen-Ingush, Iranian and Tajik regional ethnocultural centres.

The chairman of Turkish ethnocultural center in Abay district placed several families in the houses of "Kyzylzhar" village locals.

In order to provide concrete, targeted assistance, the schools are divided between ethno-cultural centers.

Dustlik Association of Uzbeks provides assistance in schools No. 61, 53 and 54 (600 evacuees). They have prepared 200 places for the elderly in Turkestan and a kindergarten with 200 places and providing meal.

Turkish Ethnocultural Centre provides assistance at schools No. 56 and No. 87 (number of evacuees - 207), Uighur Centre at school No. 26 (number of evacuees - 227), Georgian Ethnocultural Centre at boarding school No. 1 (number of evacuees - 207), Azerbaijani Ethnocultural Centre at school No. 60 (number of evacuees - 50 people), Kurdish Regional Ethnocultural Centre organized the accommodation of the evacuated family in a two-room apartment with meals.

The Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan organized a charitable dinner for 1,000 people.

The collection of basic necessities for the evacuees from Arys continues and calls are received from the provinces for first aid.

To date, a single account has been opened in all regions of the country to raise funds for Turkestan region.
