Nomad Inspiration to premiere in Kazakh capital

8 January, 11:58 1041

Astana Opera has entered 2025 with new projects. On January 25, the Nomad Inspiration program , featuring national choreographic numbers and instrumental music, will premiere at the opera house’s Grand Hall in collaboration with the HasSak ethno-folklore ensemble, cites

It is worth noting that this is not the opera house’s first collaboration with the Kazakh ethno-folklore ensemble HasSak. Last year, this well-known collective performed the composition Amanat at the opera house’s Grand Hall. Then, the choreographic number Ruh, staged by the talented choreographer and soloist of the Astana Opera Ballet Sultanbek Gumar, was presented to the audience, causing a great public resonance and winning the viewers’ love. 

At the upcoming premiere of Nomad Inspiration concert, viewers will once again be able to enjoy Sultanbek Gumar’s creative work, who staged new numbers to the music of HasSak: Toi Bastar and Aralym (Between the Sky and the Earth), and also Alem (Foundations of the Universe) to composer Khamit Shangaliyev’s music. 

“In my opinion, the opera house not only has an entertainment function, but is also a school and library of sorts. Since I am now working in the national style, I want people, when they come to the opera house, first and foremost, to learn our history, and secondly, to show interest in our native language. I make the titles of all my productions in Kazakh, because if someone wants to know where this or that dance came from, they will search for information, study it, and this, I hope, will awaken interest in the Kazakh language and culture. Certainly, before I start staging, I always think about what I want to say with this number, what its purpose is. Now, before the premiere, I am, of course, a little nervous, but I believe that what we have created will please the audience,” Sultanbek Gumar shared. 

“In the number Aralym I wanted to show that nature and man are a single whole. In essence, the attitude towards nature should be the same as in the relationships between people: just as we take care of our relationships with people, we should treat nature in the same way – protect and value it. If we treat nature negligently, it will turn against us. As the saying goes: “Without water, the earth will not turn green, without a woman, a man will not flourish.” In the new production of Aralym, men symbolize the earth, and women symbolize water, demonstrating the connection between man and nature.”

“As for Alem, our people have a wonderful saying: “A woman rocks the cradle with one hand, and rules the world with the other.” This suggests that a woman is not only the keeper of the hearth but also the foundation of the entire society. The example of such outstanding personalities as Tomiris and Domalaq ana shows how wise and brave our women were. Their strong, but at the same time gentle character is reflected in the number Alem.”

“I deeply respect the history of our people, because it is the heritage passed on to us by our ancestors. However, we must move forward with the times. Working on the production of the dance Toi Bastar, which gives a festive mood and reflects the hospitality of our people, I strived to take the best of our culture and history, giving it a modern resonance. In this number, I decided to use modern technologies. 20 pairs from among the young dancers of our opera house will perform it onstage. Contemporary design approaches are also used in the costumes,” Sultanbek Gumar says. 

“Another feature of this gala concert will be our collaboration with the ethno-folklore ensemble HasSak, which will accompany the performances. I would like to note that this joint program was born at the audience’s request. I believe that creative people should always support each other and create something in common, because this allows us to develop efficiently and quickly. I hope that the live performance of music and dance numbers, done with inmost soul, will make a great impression on the audience,” the choreographer concluded. 

Thus, the concert audience will not only witness the premieres of new choreographic numbers, but will also be able to enjoy the performances of the ensemble’s multi-instrumentalists, both solo and accompanied by the Astana Opera Symphony Orchestra. 

The concert starts at 6 PM.  
