New Vice Minister of Ecology of Kazakhstan appointed

31 January 2023, 14:02 1091

The Government decreed to appoint Nurken Sharbiyev as the Vice Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Kazakhstan, reports with reference to official Telegram Channel of the Kazakh Government.

Nurken Sharbiyev was born in 1976 in the North Kazakhstan region. He graduated from the Akmola Agrarian University named after S. Seifullin, the Kazakh Humanitarian and Legal Innovative University.

Nurken Sharbiyev began his career in 1998 as the chief economist of the peasant farm.

In 2000-2002, he worked as a leading, chief specialist of the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Strategy and State Regulation, the Department of Indicative Planning and Economic Analysis of the Ministry of Agriculture.

From 2002 to 2011, he held senior positions in the structure of the Ministry of Agriculture.

In 2020-2022, he held the position of Managing Director - Director of the Department of Atameken NCE.

From June 2022 to the present, he held the position of head of the secretariat of the project office "Auyl Amanat" of the "AMANAT" party.
