Vadim Chashkov was elected as a new chairman at the reporting and election meeting.
Since 2006, Jewish ethnocultural centre was headed by Peter Nikolayevich Rubinstein. He is a veteran of military operations in Czechoslovakia, all his life he was engaged in active social activity. Under his leadership, the community held many events. Unfortunately, in December 2018 at the age of 73 Peter Nikolaevich died. The community was left without a leader.
This important post was offered to Vadim Chashkov, a young and active member of the ethno-cultural association.
He was born on January 13, 1978 in the village of Kamyshnoe in Kostanay region. He graduated from the bachelor's and master's degree programs of Baitursynov State University majoring in "Chemical Technology and Analysis" and "English Philology".
He works as head of the department, chief metrologist at Saryarka Avtoprom LLP and Agromash Holdings JSC. He is also a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Natural and Mathematical Sciences of Sultangazin State Pedagogical University and a researcher at the Department of IT and Robotics of Baitursynov KSU.
He is a professional musician, performer-instrumentalist, perfectly owns the art of playing clarinet and saxophone. His repertoire includes a large number of Jewish national music, jazz and pop compositions. He is a regular participant of the festival of Jewish national music of "MITSVA", and also takes an active part in the organization and holding of national, cultural and religious holidays on the basis of Jewish ethnocultural centre. He is a member of the association since 2004.