Minister of Religious Affairs of Israel positively assesses experience of Kazakhstan in interfaith dialogue

21 February 2023, 13:00 410

Ambassador of Kazakhstan Satybaldy Burshakov met with Minister of Religious Affairs of Israel Michael Malkely, cites MFA.

Congratulating M. Malkeli on his appointment to the post of Minister, the Ambassador of Kazakhstan acquainted him with the history, goals, priorities and objectives of the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, as well as with the final Declaration of the VII Congress and noted that Israel provides constant support in promoting the main mission of this forum.

M. Malkeli highly appreciated the experience of Kazakhstan in interfaith dialogue and noted that the forum permanently operating in the capital of Kazakhstan allows clergy around the world and their representatives to discuss the most pressing and acute issues in an atmosphere of openness, tolerance and mutual respect. He also expressed confidence that the Declaration adopted at the end of the VII Congress is a spiritual and moral guideline for the current generation in the noble cause of building harmonious peace in the world.

The Ambassador also acquainted the Minister with the parliamentary system of Kazakhstan and the agenda of the upcoming extraordinary elections of deputies of the Mazhilis of Parliament on March 19 this year. Particular attention was paid to the new changes to the electoral legislation and the electoral system of our country, which came into force on January 1, 2023.
