Largest university in Bulgaria studies kazakh language

2 March 2023, 13:11 555

In order to further promote cooperation in the field of higher education, Ambassador of Kazakhstan in Bulgaria Viktor Temirbayev met with the rector of St. Kliment Ohridsky University of Sofia, Anastas Gerdzhikov, cites MFA.

During the meeting, specific initiatives were considered to build up a mutually beneficial partnership between Sofia University and the leading universities of Kazakhstan. In particular, the interlocutors paid special attention to the further promotion of the practice of studying the Kazakh language within the the al-Farabi Scientific, Educational and Cultural Center, established in October 2018 on the basis of a partnership agreement with Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi. Moreover, the Kazakh diplomat thanked the leadership of the university for all possible support and expressed satisfaction with the growing interest in learning our language among Bulgarian students and the inclusion of this subject in the curriculum of the Faculty of Turkology.

In addition, in the context of a practical contribution to the fulfillment of the state task of training highly qualified personnel, Ambassador Temirbayev invited the rector of the Bulgarian University to take part in the international educational exhibition "International Education Fair", which will be held in autumn 2023 in Astana and Almaty.

Along with this, Temirbayev acquainted the interlocutor with the ongoing transformations in Kazakhstan as part of the reboot of state institutions of power, dwelling in detail on the early elections of deputies of the lower house of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Mazhilis - and local representative bodies - Maslikhats.

In conclusion, the parties agreed to maintain working contacts on all issues identified during the meeting.
