Kazakh President receives Ministry of Digital Development

14 May, 16:58 960

The Head of State received Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry Zhaslan Madiyev, El.kz reports with reference to the press service of Akorda.

The President was informed about the current activities and work plans of the department. Zhaslan Madiyev said that an institutional framework has been built for the digital transformation of public administration and industries. The mandatory reengineering was legislated, more than 600 business processes were revised, and the process of digital transformation through the GovTech platform approach was launched.

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev was informed about the proposed approaches to the introduction of artificial intelligence, as well as the formation of an AI-driven government ecosystem.

The Head of State was informed about the prospects for bringing Kazakh IT companies to export markets.

Following the meeting, the President gave a number of instructions on high-quality digitalization of public administration, intensification of cooperation with international IT giants and further development of artificial intelligence in various sectors of the economy.
