Kazakh PM orders to work out specific algorithm of actions in case of complication of flooding situation

28 February 2023, 12:29 516

The issues of readiness of central and local executive state bodies for the upcoming flooding period were considered at the Government session chaired by Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov, El.kz cites primeminister.kz.

Minister for Emergency Situations Yuri Ilyin said that only a few days are left before the active snow melting in the southern regions, so now all efforts are focused on preventive measures and preparation for the floods.

As a whole for two months of current year in republic it has been constructed over 15 km and repaired about 24 km of temporary dams, 16 km of new dams and over 41 km of earth banks round the settlements. In addition, about 5,000 km of canals and ditches, more than 8,500 culverts under roads and railroads were cleaned.

In case of unfavorable development of the flooding situation, 255 settlements may be flooded. However, to prevent and minimize the possible negative consequences of emergencies, units of regional subsystems of the State Civil Protection System are transferred to the high readiness mode

Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Zulfiya Suleimenova informed of the updated forecasts for spring, Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development Marat Karabayev informed of the preparation of roads, bridges and culverts for increased volumes of water.

Akims of Turkestan Region Darkhan Satybaldy, Zhambyl Region Nurzhan Nurzhigitov and of West Kazakhstan Region Nariman Turegaliyev reported on the current situation and preparation for the flooding period in the regions.

Having heard the speakers, the Prime Minister noted that, according to forecasts, this year there are great risks of flooding due to the significant amount of snow and strong freezing of the soil.

"To date, more than 11 million cubic meters of snow have been removed from settlements, but not in all regions this work is carried out at the proper level. Akims need to intensify the removal of snow," Alikhan Smailov pointed out.

According to him, the complication of the flooding situation in the southern regions led to the lack of drainage canals, ditches and protective bunds around settlements. As a result, drainage systems in Turkestan, Zhambyl and Almaty regions could not cope with heavy precipitation. In addition, in Atyrau, because of the sharp melting of snow and heavy precipitation flooding of the city streets occurred.

"It is necessary to promptly clean aryks and storm sewers, to carry out the construction of temporary earth ramparts and dams. The Ministry of Industry and regional Akims should continue to prepare roads, bridges and culverts for increased volumes of water," Prime Minister stressed.

He added that according to the Kazgidromet forecast in March air temperature and precipitation in the southern and eastern regions of the country are expected to be higher than normal, which "we should be prepared for".

Head of the Government instructed to work out a specific algorithm of actions in case of complications of the flooding situation in the framework of national exercises "Koktem-2023", to prepare the necessary reserves of explosives and inert materials, to check the readiness of warning "It is also necessary to determine the location of additional forces and means, reception points in case of evacuation of the population and safe areas for driving away farm animals," Prime Minister said.

In addition, he said, it is necessary to work out steps to repair municipal, private and ownerless hydraulic structures, to adjust the volume of filling of reservoirs and, if necessary, to take measures for their early and safe emptying.

"At the republican level, a governmental commission under the leadership of the First Deputy Prime Minister, which keeps the situation under control and responds promptly to cases of flood complications," Alikhan Smailov concluded.
