Karin: Kazakhstan adopts comprehensive plan to combat drug addiction and trafficking until 2025

4 July 2023, 10:16 1480

The government has adopted a comprehensive plan to combat drug addiction and drug trafficking until 2025, El.kz reports.

The Head of State instructed to develop this Plan in his September Address last year. The President identified the fight against the spread of synthetic drugs as one of the most important priorities in his election program.

There has not been such a plan since 2016, which negatively affected the effectiveness of the fight against drugs.

In addition, during a speech at the National Kurultai in Turkestan, the Head of State said that he would keep this issue under personal control.

The adopted Comprehensive Plan was widely discussed in the expert community, including at the site of the Council on Youth Policy. The new mechanisms and tools developed are aimed primarily at preventing drug addiction and reducing the number of drug addicts. The main goal of the Comprehensive Plan is to consolidate the efforts of society, its civil institutions and all authorities
