Iranian companies intend to build large hydraulic facilitiesin Kazakhstan

4 July, 12:42 2674

Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Nurzhan Nurzhigitov met with Iranian Energy Minister Ali-Akbar Mehrabian to discuss the construction of new hydraulic facilities in Kazakhstan, reports.

The parties discussed the implementation of large-scale projects for the construction of hydraulic facilities similar to the Bakhtiari HPP, one of the world's largest dams, as well as measures to reduce irrigation water consumption.

Ali-Akbar Mehrabian said that Iranian companies intend to implement major projects in Central Asia and Kazakhstan, providing modern technologies for transporting irrigation water, which significantly reduce losses from evaporation.

Nurzhan Nurzhigitov noted that such projects are especially necessary for the southern regions of Kazakhstan, including Zhambyl, Kyzylorda and Turkestan regions. The minister invited Iranian companies to Kazakhstan for further negotiations.

"Floods have shown that the country needs new reservoirs to effectively manage flood water and accumulate it for further use. Iranian companies are implementing successful projects in their homeland. Seeing the effectiveness of their work, we are interested in close and long-term cooperation with our Iranian colleagues," Nurzhan Nurzhigitov emphasized.
