Investments in education and communications increased by 79.3% and 81.7% respectively

Yesterday, 16:00 157

Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of National Economy Nurlan Baybazarov reported on the results of socio-economic development of the country for 9 months of 2024 at the Government session, cites

Thus, according to the results of January-September the economy growth was 4%. Due to the measures taken for the third month in a row there is an acceleration of growth. In the real sector it amounted to 5%, production in the services sector grew by 3.8%.

"The growth of the economy this year is fully provided by the development of the non-resource sector. Among the sectors, agriculture and construction show the highest growth. Transport services grew by 8%, communications - by 6.4%, trade - by 6.3%, manufacturing - by 4.8%. 65% of GDP growth is provided by trade, manufacturing, construction and agriculture," Deputy Prime Minister said.

Investments in fixed assets grew by 0.6%. The greatest growth is observed in non-resource industries: communications - by 81.7%, education - by 79.3%, transport - by 31.1%, manufacturing - by 6.3%, health care - by 4.8%.

The best indicators are observed in Almaty, Pavlodar, Kyzylorda, Turkestan oblasts and Zhetisu. At the same time, a significant decrease in investment is observed in Atyrau, Akmola, Aktobe and Mangystau regions.

In January-August this year, foreign trade turnover totalled $91.7bn. Exports amounted to $53.5bn, including exports of processed goods - $17.8bn. Imports of goods - $38.1bn. The positive trade balance increased by 34.8% to $15.4bn.

"Manufacturing maintains a positive growth rate. The volume of production increased by 4.8 per cent.Growth was recorded in 14 regions.The largest increase is noted in Kyzylorda region, Mangystau region, Turkestan region, Aktobe region and Ulytau. Growth in the manufacturing industry is mainly due to the growth of production in metallurgy by 8.3% and mechanical engineering by 4.2%," the Minister stressed.

In addition, production in the chemical industry increased by 9.5%, electrical equipment by 11.3%, pharmaceutical products by 15%, metal products by 31.1% and furniture by 17.9%.

Nurlan Baibazarov also noted an increase in production in the mining industry by 1.2%. This is due to an increase in the extraction of metal ores by 7.7% and natural gas by 3.4%. Oil production decreased by 0.3%, coal - by 0.5%. However, economic growth excluding oil production is estimated at 4.5% against the corresponding base of the previous year.

Construction also demonstrates high growth rates. The growth of works accelerated to 10.1%. High indicators were ensured due to the implementation of four large-scale initiatives of the Head of State on housing construction, construction of transport and social infrastructure, as well as modernisation of engineering networks.

Positive dynamics was recorded in 18 regions. The greatest growth of construction and installation works is noted in Kyzylorda, Karaganda, Turkestan regions, Zhetisu and Abay. Decrease in construction is noted in Atyrau and Mangystau regions.

"In January-September this year, 12.4 million m2 of housing was commissioned, which is 6.2% more than the corresponding period last year. The highest indicators are observed in the city of Shymkent, North Kazakhstan, Pavlodar and Turkestan regions," Nurlan Baibazarov said.

Agriculture has entered an active phase of growth. Due to the accelerated pace of harvesting grain crops, the volume of industry output increased by 11.4%. Including in crop production growth was 17.8%. The best results were shown by Akmola, Kostanay, Karaganda and North-Kazakhstan regions.

To ensure this year's targeted growth of the economy reserves are trade, construction, transport and manufacturing industry.

As part of the implementation of the Action Plan for Economic Growth, central and local executive bodies need to:
