In real time: enterprise emission tracking system being introduced in Kazakhstan

23 January, 12:04 1550

As noted by the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Yerlan Nysanbayev, at the end of last year achieved a reduction in standards for emissions by 3.3%, for discharges by 8%, cites

In order to monitor compliance with environmental legislation conducted 652 inspections, which revealed 1.6 thousand violations. As a result, 628 relevant remedial orders were issued. 2.1 thousand administrative fines were imposed for more than 322 billion tenge, 1.8 thousand fines in the amount of 11.3 billion tenge were collected. The rest are in the process of execution.

To improve the environmental situation, large enterprises annually develop plans for environmental protection measures. In addition, together with the public, eco-activists, akimats and nature users, environmental problems of the regions were considered. As a result, 18 roadmaps for their comprehensive solution were developed. More than half of the activities have been implemented, the implementation of the remaining ones is ongoing.

Prime Minister emphasized that the main share of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere falls on industrial production. In particular, a major contribution to pollution is made by enterprises of heat and energy and oil and gas sectors, mining and mining processing industries, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy.

"To ensure constant control over air emissions, a mechanism of automated monitoring system is being implemented at the enterprises. It allows real-time monitoring of emissions and prompt response in cases of exceeding the established norms," Alikhan Smailov said.

In order to reduce environmental impact and introduce modern solutions at the production facilities, reference books with the best available technologies have been approved.

"Their observance will reduce the negative impact on the environment," Prime Minister emphasized.

According to Head of the Government, at the same time there are urgent issues that need to be addressed. For example, the facts of pollution not only of the atmosphere, but also of water resources.

"Some enterprises carry out unauthorized dumping of waste into rivers and lakes. There are numerous complaints from the population about such unauthorized actions of companies. Water is the most valuable resource, which we are obliged to protect," Alikhan Smailov noted.

He also pointed out that the introduction of ESG standards based on international best practices is carried out at a slow pace. At the same time, these standards have already become an integral part of work for most of the world's companies.

In general, they allow to improve not only environmental, but also social, financial and production indicators. Compliance with ESG standards is also one of the criteria for international financial institutions to grant loans.

"For maximum environmental safety of domestic enterprises it is necessary to more actively implement resource-saving and waste-free technologies," Head of the Government emphasized. 

He also outlined the importance of large-scale environmental protection measures. 

"For example, companies could permanently organize actions of tree planting, cleaning of river beds, garbage collection in forest areas and steppe territories. For this purpose, the Ministry of Ecology and akimats need to conduct systematic work with nature users," Alikhan Smailov said. 

At the same time, he added that practical implementation of environmental measures requires time.

"The effect will not be instantaneous. This is a large and long-term process, which should involve enterprises, government agencies, environmentalists, scientific community and the public. It is such effective and constructive work that will improve the current environmental situation in the country," Prime Minister said. 

Prime Minister demanded to ensure compliance of enterprises with environmental obligations, including to prevent pollution of water resources. He also pointed out the need to continue the implementation of the approved regional road maps and adopted plans of environmental protection measures, as well as to develop specific measures for the introduction of ESG standards at industrial enterprises.
